The Final Showdown

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Nina entered the area where a bunch of guys wooing the fighters while Anna looked at her sister with a vengeance.

Nina stood in front of her seriously while Anna pointed at her and said, "This time, this time I will kill you, NINA!"

"Ohhh, it's that so? I like to see you try, sister." said Nina as she began her fighting stance afterward.

"Bring it on, sister!" said Anna as she began her fighting stance as well.

"Alright then, don't mind if I do." said Nina as she attacked her sister.

Nina hits a few jabs and kicks at her, and Anna ducks and blocks them out of the way. Anna hit her with a hard-hitting slap across the face which made Nina hold her face. Nina grunts in anger while Anna smiles and chuckles slightly at her.

Nina hits her back with a slap but harder this time which made Anna angry at her as she held her face as well.

Both sisters attack each other with a vengeance, which excites the crowd of wooing men. 

Anna did a back kick to Nina, but Nina dodged it away and knees her in the stomach which Anna clutched her stomach in pain.

Anna stood up, grabbed Nina's both legs, and put her into a figure-four leg lock. Nina screamed in pain while Anna looked at her with pure vengeance and satisfaction on her face.

"Give Up!" Anna screamed.

"No!" Nina replied in agony.

"I Said GIVE UP!" Anna repeated angrily.

Nina looked at her sister straight into her eyes and screamed, "NO!"

Nina punched her in the face and Nina freed herself from the hold.

Nina slowly stood up while Anna quickly stood up. Nina looked at her seriously while Anna did the same as well.

"Is that all you got, Anna?" Nina asked with intimidation.

"No, but I'm about to give you more than that, Nina!" Anna replied as she attacked her with full force afterward.

Nina quickly began her fighting stance and started blocking her sister's attacks which made her angrier. Anna continued attacking her again and Nina kept blocking and dodging her attacks.

Nina had enough of her sister's attempts, so she put her in her place with a huge slap in the face and Anna fell to the ground and held her face in defeat.

Anna couldn't believe it, she lost to her older sister yet again which made her very disbelieve. But Anna has no choice but to accept her defeat to her sister.

Anna looked up at Nina and said, "Come on, do your worst!"

Nina crossed her arms, slightly smiled and chuckled at her, and said, "Anna, you're really pathetic, that didn't satisfy me at all, I refuse to kill you, sister." 

"You, BITCH!" cried Anna as she made a fit.

Nina laughed at her and said, "Hahaha, that look was so priceless." 

"Now, I have to go to finals and win the tournament and the prize money," said Nina as she turned and walked away from the area.

But Nina stopped her movement, turned her head to her defeated sister, and said...

"See you next time..."

"My dear sister," 

The End 

Or is it...

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