The Showdown

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The following afternoon...

Anna went to Nina's house; she went to her door and knocked on it. "Come in," said Nina casually.

Anna opened the door and was immediately met with a knife thrown at her, but Anna acted fast by closing the door and ducking it. Anna did the same by taking the knife from the door and throwing it at her.

Nina ducks out of the way and lets the knife hit the wall. Anna ran to the kitchen countertop to get another knife while Nina took the knife from the wall.

The estranged sisters charged and started attacking each other with their knives in hand. Anna swung her knife first and Nina ducked her attack, Nina did the same and Anna ducked her attack as well.

Nina and Anna kept swinging their knives and ducking their attacks at each other, so they stopped with their knives near each other's throats.

"Good to see you, Anna." said Nina as she slowly walked in circles.

"Same to you, Nina!" said Anna as she slowly walked in circles as well.

"Now, should we handle this like sisters, sister?" Nina asked.

"We definitely should, sister." Anna replied.

"You first?" Anna continued.

"Don't mind if I do," said Nina as she pulled a gun at her sister's head.

Anna dropped her knife and moved her arm away as Nina took a shot. Anna apprehended her gun away from her and punched her in the face which made Nina clench her face.

"What's wrong sis-" said Anna before being cut off by a kick to the stomach by Nina.

Anna held her stomach while Nina stood up and said, "Had enough yet?"

"Not for long sister!" said Anna as she attacked her with a few jabs at her.

Nina blocked her attacks and threw a few jabs of her own to Anna, but Anna blocked and ducked her attacks as well.

Anna kicked her but Nina ducked her kick. Nina did the same, but Anna blocked her kick out of her way.

Nina and Anna did a turning backhand to each other and ended up getting knocked down to the floor.

As the minutes went by, Anna slowly got up and went to the other room to get her favorite weapon.

Nina slowly got up as well and looked at Anna with her favorite weapon pointed at her which is her rocket launcher.

Anna blows a kiss at her sister before shooting a rocket launcher at her. Nina moved out of the way in time which destroyed the living room.

"Is that all you got?" Nina asked as she slyly smiled at her.

Anna puts her rocket launcher down and angrily runs after her to attack her.

Nina and Anna kept fighting each other for a few hours until Nina fell into near unconsciousness due to exhaustion and defeat by her sister, Anna.

As Anna stood before her sister, she slightly moved her nearly unconscious body to lay on her back with her foot and put her foot on her stomach.

Anna looked down at Nina as Nina looked up at Anna. "Had enough, Nina?" Anna asked as she mischievously smiled at her.

Nina slowly opened her eyes to look at her. Before she could ever answer her sister's question, she was interrupted by Lee when he came into the house.

Anna looked at Lee and asked, "What are you doing here?"

"Looking for you, Anna." Lee answered.

"Ohh, I see."

"Now, why did you not finish her off?" Lee asked.

"Well, I was about to finish her until you came in, but as I thought about it, I changed my mind and did not kill her on the spot." Anna explained.

"I understand, Anna." said Lee.

"Also, I'd rather save this for this upcoming tournament, my dear Lee." Anna further explained.

"Ohhhh, Excellent!" said Lee as he smiled and pulled a thumbs up at her.

"Ohhh Lee, I would never get enough of you." said Anna as she smiled at her lover.

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