Anna's Prologue

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Anna's POV:

"It's been a while since I saw my sister, Nina. The last time I saw her, was the King of Iron Fist Tournament 3 which my sister and I lost but that's beside the point. The point is that my life became dull without her no offense to my lover, Lee. Anyways, also the last time I saw her was at our father's gravesite when I helped her recover her memories, she smacked me and left. I smiled and said, 'Now, that's the sister that I always remembered.' But that's then and this is now, and I miss her so much."

*Phone Rings*

Anna woke up from the phone ringing which alerted her lover, Lee. Anna got out of bed, went to the phone, and picked it up.

"Hello?" said Anna on the phone.

"Hello," Nina replied on the phone.

"Who's this?" Anna asked.

"Isn't obvious, Anna." said Nina as she slightly chuckled to herself.

Anna opened her eyes wide and realized that it was her sister, Nina.

Lee rubbed his eyes and asked, "Who's that, Anna?"

Anna shushed him. "What's going on, Nina?" Anna asked.

"What do you want?" Anna continued.

"Well, all I want is to be with my dear sister, which I miss very much." Nina replied.

"Cut the crap, and what do you want?!" Anna angrily asked.

"Anna, shhhh."

Anna took the phone off her ear and said "Sorry," as she whispered to Lee.

Anna put the phone back to her ear and said, "What do you want, Nina?"

"Well, I want to settle things between us sisters." Nina explained.


"And I want you to meet me by my house at 1 pm sharp, got it, Anna?" Nina continued.

"Fine, meet you there, Nina." said Anna.

"You too, sister." Nina replied.

Both sisters hung up on each other and Anna went back to bed with Chaolan.

"Who was that?" Lee asked.

"It was my older sister, Nina." Anna answered.

"What did she want?" Lee asked again.

"She wants to meet me at her house at 1 in the afternoon to 'settle things between us sisters' " Anna explained.

"Oh, alright, well you can handle this with your sister tomorrow afternoon then. Now let's go back to sleep, shall we." said Lee as he headed off to bed.

"Alright, good night, my love." said Anna as she headed off to bed as well.

"You too, Anna." Lee replied as he yawned.

Anna and Lee went back to sleep afterward.

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