Sakura Surpassed Tsunade

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As mentioned in the title, Sakura passed her master.

Stated from the fourth data book.

And haters will not believe the data book.

Let's take a look now.

"Sakura, who excelled at chakra control, had her talent for medical ninjutsu noticed by Tsunade, her teacher, early on. She received initiation at the techniques from Tsunade at first, and also from her elder pupil Shizune, and grew to be the best medical ninja in Konoha in the twinkle of an eye. Mastering the secret forbidden technique Tsunade used, she brings her healing to a level that exceeded Shizune. Filling her chest with the firm confidence that even if everyone suffers serious wounds, she'll make them recover. The healing cherry blossom blooms splendidly in profusion."

The sentences in bold basically meant Sakura surpassed all the medical ninja in Konoha. That includes Tsunade and Shizune and the rest obviously.

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Impressive right?

- lamentlife (arisu)

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