Chapter 9

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“Your mom and stepfather Sharon and Michael are dead”.

Who knew those words could change my whole life. "You need to come home right now so we can discuss this in person," I open my mouth, but it feels dry, but I  manage out a few words. "I'll be there soon," then I hung up. I looked at Ahmed "I got to go, sorry I'll work on the project later without you, but I- I gotta go right now", I said as I was standing. "Ok, I'll walk you out", Ahmed says and I nod.

We soon walk downstairs and Ahmed's mom says goodbye to me as he opens the front door.  "Bye" I say and walk out of the house and Ahmed waves. I begin walking to the house that's not home.

I’m now on the street where I live. There's police everywhere. When I walk up to the house I get asked if I’m Kiora, I tell them yes and they take me to the living room in my house. ‘Hello, Kiora, I'm Officer Spade. Your parents were in a terrible car accident, they drove off road and collided into another car, into a fence. They died on impact. If you need to talk to anyone feel free to let me know I’ll give you my card and if you call I’ll set you up with someone you can talk to.”  I simply nod “I won’t need to talk to anyone I wasn’t really that close with them.” I say after a bit. She nods letting me know she understands then opens her mouth to start again. “Well, now that we got that out of the way. We have called your biological father, he would like to get custody over you, if you want to meet him we brought him here.” I was surprised. I’ve never met my father, not that I remember anyways.

“Yeah, you can let him in, might as well meet him”, I say quietly, but loud enough for her to hear. She nods and stands up, I stand up as well. “I forgot to mention he also brought your brothers,” I blink, how am I supposed to respond to that? I just nod because what am I supposed to say? Awesome? She leaves the room and I stay in. Suddenly she's back and she’s with people. Four people to be exact, to be more exact four males. I think I’m going to go into shock.

“I’m going to go now, but Kiora this is your dad”, she says and points to the man in front of the other three men. “Thank you Officer Spade. I think I can take over now, let her meet her other family.” The man who was my father says in a deep voice. He has a suit on. A richer suit, all of the men are, the other three men I am assuming are my brother’s. The one in front, my father, is tall, but now I know where I get most of my looks, the one on his right stands slightly taller than him, He has dark hair. He looks way different than the other’s. He’s someone I wouldn’t mess with, he looks cold and cutoff. It kinda reminds me of someone else I know, but I can’t put my finger on it. The two of my supposed fathers look a lot like him, I look a lot like them. One specifically he, has almost all of the same features. They're all tall, they all look well over 6ft.

“Hello, Kiora, I am Adrien, your father. I understand if you do not want to call me your dad, you can call me Adrien, on my right here is your eldest brother Oliver, the one on my left closest to me is Eli, he is also your older brother, just not the oldest, then the other one, his name is Noah. He is your twin.” I widen my eyes, my mouth snapping open. I have a twin? I am SURPRISED. The one on his right, Oliver I believe, lets out a chuckle at my reaction. I just stand there, thinking of what to say before I speak. “I- um I’m” I cut myself off before I embarrass myself. “I know this is a lot to take in, but I might as well drop everything at once so you don’t get surprised later. You are going to be moving in with us. We do live in the state, and we just figured out that you and Noah do go to the same school currently so you will continue to go to the school you're going to, but it would be appreciated if you go pack, if you do not wish to I will have people come and pack for you”.

I shake my head “I can pack for myself,” I say, I say that because if someone packs for me they would probably find stuff, I wish they wouldn’t find things like glass, lighters, and blades. Sometimes I just can’t help myself and I relapse. It’s not like anyone would know anyways I don’t go showing my legs that much, if I do I make sure they’re covered. It’s a hard thing to deal with, it gets bad and you only think about how much you deserve everything. It wasn’t that hard to believe either, not since I was always getting told how useless I was. It just happened, I didn’t mean for it to happen I just did it, now it’s a bad habit. “I’ll go pack now, there’s not much to pack besides clothes” and the book I left out “If you need help with anything let me know”. Adrien, my father says. I nod and start to walk out before stopping “is there anyway you can get me two boxes?”

He nods “I’ll have someone bring it up to you,” I murmur a thank you and continue walking. I’m now in one of the places that would bring me comfort, but as I’m looking at it all I see is where my tears were dried after I was bullied, or after my mom someone I was suppose to look up to and someone who was suppose to love me and be there for me, told me I was a waste of space and the only reason I was still there was for legal reason. I swallow as I look at the place where I’ve lived all my life, somewhere that was supposed to be home. I walk over to my dresser pulling out my clothes and folding them for when the boxes get here. When I’m done I look at the books all around my room and stacks of them everywhere. Hopefully I have enough room in the boxes. I go through my books, putting them in two piles. The first pile is unread books and books I enjoyed and the second pile is books I’ve read but didn’t enjoy.

Once I’m done with everything I stand up and look around my room again and to the open window, I walk towards it. I stare outside, like I did when I was little and I wanted to play outside, but mom said I couldn’t. I stare into the yard and other houses. I look out and see kids playing in the street, with not a care in the world. “Was it bad here?”I lightly jumped at the voice of someone. I turn around to see Noah, my twin. "Depends on what you view as bad”, I say. “I would say I view it as bad, not being happy to go home and every time you had to come here, you were dreading it.” Noah says. I look at him. “Then yeah, I would say it was bad. I mean can’t really be happy with alcoholics and druggies”. He frowns. “I brought your boxes you might need more though, with all these books”, I nod. “Thank you, I can take everything from here, you can go”, he looked at me one last time before walking out.

I pack up and walk back downstairs. When I walk into the kitchen everyone that was talking quiet downs, like when you walk into a room with people who were talking about you, then they quiet down. It’s not like I don’t think they weren’t talking about me I mean my parents, well mom and someone I had to call my stepfather, so I have no doubt they were actually talking about me. “I’m done, I need help though the other box is heavy.”
After all of the boxes were moved downstairs and into a car. It was time for me to go. To go somewhere with people I didn’t even know, into a house where I had no idea where it was. But I had to go, and as I was going I was hoping I could have a fresh start.

Hoping I could live happier and nothing like that was never going to happen to me again.

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