20- The Winter Soldier

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THE ANXIETY COURSING THROUGH the team's veins was unlike any pressure they had felt before

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THE ANXIETY COURSING THROUGH the team's veins was unlike any pressure they had felt before. As S.H.I.E.L.D agents, they all had been in difficult situations with lives at stake, or were forced to make a tough call, but never had there been a more desperate mission than this. World domination would be inevitable in less than 24 hours if they failed. Millions of innocent lives would be blown out in one quick massacre. The world was about to collapse into the hands of HYDRA, and there were only four people on the surface of the earth who could do something about it.

Fueled by the new horror planted in their hearts, Steve aggressively forced Sitwell back down the stairs of the building and the team followed hurriedly. They got into the car and began speeding off to the Triskelion as quickly as they could. The nerves in Emersyn's stomach were unbearable. To think for but a moment about the fate of mankind was terrifying. What began as the death of S.H.I.E.L.D's director spiraled into a conspiracy much bigger than she could ever imagine. The fear inside Emersyn urged her every muscle to leap out of the car and run away. She did not want this role— she did not ask to save the world, that was for the Avengers. Yet, there Emersyn was: a simple S.H.I.E.L.D. agent who wanted to do what was right. Her heart knew she couldn't back down now, not when she had followed her friends all this way and pledged to avenge Fury. All her questions remained unanswered and she had a right to know the truth. Emersyn gazed out the window at the hundreds of passing cars and recognized every person had a life full of love and joy and great potential. She would probably be good friends with half of those people if she knew them. By tomorrow, all of those people could be dead.

Emersyn closed her eyes. All her life she had been searching for a purpose and found it in S.H.I.E.L.D. Now, she had to destroy the organization she dedicated her life to, but her purpose would not fall with it. Her purpose was greater than S.H.I.E.L.D. It was to help others, and she understood that now. Emersyn's purpose was felt in her heart when she saw Steve and was willing to take on the world to just see him smile, or when she shared a laugh with Natasha that made her stomach hurt. Even with S.H.I.E.L.D gone, her desire to help others remained.

Fear gave her two options: to forget everything and run, or face everything and rise. Emersyn would not give in to fear and lose her purpose. She was stronger than that, so she opened her eyes, took a breath, and thought to herself, "Keep on steppin'."

Steve sat in the front with a stern brow and spoke heavily. "Emersyn, how are you feeling? You up for a fight?"

Emersyn replied softly but with a hint of teasing. "You can just say you're worried about me, Steve, no reason to hide it."

He turned his head with a confused gaze. She smiled and explained, "Worrying about me and Sitwell...now this... I'm good, trust me. I appreciate your concern, though."

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