8 - Escape

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A MASSIVE LUMP formed in Emersyn's throat as her eyes met Steve Rogers' heavily built frame in the elevator

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A MASSIVE LUMP formed in Emersyn's throat as her eyes met Steve Rogers' heavily built frame in the elevator. She had hesitated in the doorway and Rumlow looked back, flashing her a warning with his wide eyes. Emersyn struggled to swallow and tried to clear her throat instead, but at the sound, Steve Rogers turned around to face them.

"Cap," Rumlow addressed him.

"Rumlow." He replied cooly, with dark eyes falling onto the agents around him.

Emersyn stepped forward to try and move behind Rumlow so she was not in Steve's line of vision, but he recognized her quickly before she could make it across the elevator.

"Sharp," Steve said, a little softer than when he had spoken to Rumlow.

Emersyn felt his gaze burning into her, and she struggled to peel her eyes off the floor. She had to blend in. At this thought, she looked up and met Steve's eyes, but was surprised to find them full of concern. Emersyn paused a moment as she read his expression; he seemed like he was asking her if she was okay.

"Rogers.." Emersyn replied rather slowly, confused about what he was trying to convey to her. Then, she realized the last time she had seen him was when she ran out of the medical room. He had stood in the doorway and Emersyn pushed past him to escape, but he called out to her in concern when she ran down the hall.

Emersyn let a smile grow on her face at this thought and told herself that maybe Steve Rogers wasn't such a cold heart after all. However, the fact remained that she was very likely to fight Captain America in an elevator.
The casual clothes, lack of lethal weapons, and the team splitting up to engage at different times, all led to one explanation: S.H.I.E.L.D was trying to capture Captain America in secret.

It was like a kidnapping, except for the world's strongest and most famous war hero. Steve obviously was not supposed to be aware that he was going to be arrested, and this whole casual elevator talk was all an act. The rest of the team would enter later so it seemed more likely that they were on separate business, rather than having a whole armed crew arrive in one mob.

Rogers would not go down easily, Emersyn knew that, and she also knew she definitely did not want to fight him. S.H.I.E.L.D was after him for a reason, and that reason probably was because of Fury, because if she was honest everything was related to Fury at this point. Steve had the hard drive and that meant he had information, so S.H.I.E.L.D being S.H.I.E.L.D probably interrogated him since he was the last one who saw Fury alive. Things went south, Steve struck a nerve, and S.H.I.E.L.D sent several teams of agents to contain him.
All of that meant that Emersyn, as much as she hated to admit it, had to be on team Rogers.

A hundred curse words were shouted inside her head, and she clenched her fists to refrain from displaying her disappointment and frustration aloud. She needed to think quickly of an alternate plan.

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