19 - Truth Will Out

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AVENGERS. THE HEROES OF EARTH were given that title by Nick Fury. Emersyn thought it was odd they only avenged and never prevented. The team only came together after horror and destruction killed thousands of people. Yet, it gave them more purpose and more drive. Every army needed inspiration and revenge satisfied every passion in men's hearts. A blade becomes sharper when its wielder is bloodthirsty. The finger does not hesitate at the trigger because it wants nothing more than to see justice done. Nick Fury believed in avenging, justice, and revenge.

Emersyn wanted to be an avenger for the man who gave them that name. When the shield failed to protect, the gun became the instinct, and defense turned to offense. She wanted nothing more than to deal cards of justice to all the HYDRA agents who stole Nick Fury from her. While they may thought they were taking out their biggest adversary, they only awakened an angrier one.

This drive stirred up Emersyn's nerves as she paced the house waiting for the return of Steve and Natasha. Sam and her had gotten acquainted talking about their pasts and how Emersyn ended up in this situation. Varying thoughts flooded through her head and she was struggling to focus on one goal. In the back of her mind were unanswered questions about her parents' death, S.H.I.E.L.D's downfall and all her friends still working there, and then every time she heard Steve's name her stomach somersaulted. Their impulsive kiss did not even seem real to her, and Emersyn replayed her memories to ensure it was not a dream. However, above all of this, the most prominent thought had caused her the most tears; Nick Fury's murder was left unavenged.

Ever since she had run into the hospital ward and heard the flatline, a depression hung over her. It may have been lifted at times, but was always present like an unseen pressure pushing her down so it took more effort than normal to do the simplest things. Speaking up was suddenly difficult, and her reflexes became sluggish. Anxiety tortured her mind in ways she had never experienced, and now that the man who had always told her what to do was gone, Emersyn was lost. She turned to Steve for direction and he fell into the leadership role effortlessly, but no matter how confident he appeared, he was just as in the dark as she. The only way out was to find the truth about Fury and S.H.I.E.L.D., so she set her mind on this goal so nothing else would distract her.
Emersyn feared that her fractured mental state would affect her mission and lead to her messing up, or failing to protect the two people she was holding onto. So, her mind became focused on the mission alone. Steve had said that there was still a fight, and if they lost, then none of her other worries would matter.

The fight began unraveling as Emersyn spotted two figures walking toward Sam's house. Her heart leaped and she ran to open the door for the newcomers before they had a chance to knock. Steve and Nat appeared on the other end with worn expressions, but as soon as they saw Emersyn, they beamed with smiles. Evidently surprised to find their friend up and ready, the returning duo asked if they had missed anything. Emersyn did not mention her nightmare or the chaos in her head, but quickly redirected their focus to the mission and asked whether they had retrieved the Falcon gear successfully. Steve gazed at her curiously, trying to decipher any hint of hidden sadness, but was amazed at Emersyn's bright attentive eyes and her focus.

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