18 - Wrestling with the Past

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warning: potentially disturbing imagery with blood

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warning: potentially disturbing imagery with blood

MUFFLED VOICES BECAME A DISTANT HUM in the room where Emersyn lay with tear-stained cheeks and puffy eyes. Her mind was in a haze since Steve left her alone in the living room. At first, she was tormented with a cloud hanging over her mind, suffocating any thoughts until they were squashed into nothingness. Once Steve went to talk with the group, she did not know what to think or what to do. She wanted to sink into the couch forever and melt away. The dull ache in her body was present at all times and quenched any spark of energy or motivation. Any time she thought of something, even as small as the color of the paint on the walls, the storm clouds stamped out any desire and drowned her in waves of apathy.

Her eyelids fluttered open when she caught the sound of someone's voice rising above the usual hum from the other room but soon drooped shut again. The pillow cradled her head as her body slowly sunk into unconsciousness. Emersyn's breaths became deeper as exhaustion engulfed her and set her mind to sleep.

Steve had just planned with Natasha and Sam on how to capture Jasper Sitwell to find information about Zola's Algorithm. There was no time to waste when Project Insight was looming over them. Now knowing that Hydra was behind the massive weaponized helicarriers that would circle the earth, Steve was incredibly fearful of what they were to find from Sitwell. He was prepping to leave to find Sam's Falcon suit but found himself wandering to the living room first. There was silence behind the closed door, so he knocked gently and waited. After receiving no response, Steve quietly entered and saw Emersyn curled up on the couch with her head buried into a pillow.

A tiny grin spread on his lips and he walked toward her, noticing how small her body was when her legs pressed close to her chest. He had never seen her this way, almost fragile and vulnerable. It was hard to believe she was the same woman who endured countless fights and badmouthed him constantly. Steve found a folded blanket on the side of the couch and spread it wide. He draped it carefully over Emersyn who twitched slightly at its touch. Steve looked on, content with his work; she seemed to relax slightly with the added warmth.

"She asleep?" A voice murmured from behind him.

Steve turned around to see Natasha smiling with a knowing look that flushed his cheeks red. His hands fled into his pockets and he replied in a soft rumble, "Yeah."

"Good." Natasha walked forward and inspected Emersyn's peaceful face. "She needs a long break."

Steve sighed. "So do we."

Natasha raised her brows in agreement. "No rest for the weary, huh?"

He chuckled and gazed at Emersyn, recognizing she brought the warmth that filled him at the core. "It'll be good when this is all over. Get back to normal."

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