9 - Shoes Two Sizes Too Big

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STEVE ROGERS LOOKED DOWN at Emersyn's pitiful body on the ground

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STEVE ROGERS LOOKED DOWN at Emersyn's pitiful body on the ground. "Get up," he said dismissively, with condescending eyes that she could feel boring into her.

Emersyn scowled and rose to her feet. After she managed to look past the cold face of Steve, she saw a smoking quinjet coming to a crash beneath them.

Surprised, she raised her brows and muttered to herself, "A million-dollar next-gen jet was taken out by a 90-year-old man with a damn frisbee?"

Steve clenched his jaw at the comment and replied sarcastically, "Did you have a good view from the concrete?"

Emersyn's eyes flitted back to Steve when she realized he had heard the words she meant to keep to herself. It surprised her that she felt impressed by his strength and admired how easily he took out the quinjet.
Bothered by this, she quickly let her mind remember how reckless Steve had been, and fuel her anger again. "Yeah, I was laying on the ground because you left me on a motorcycle that I wasn't even driving!" She snapped back, trying to keep the attention off her.

Rogers began walking away and replied without looking back. "You can't drive a motorcycle?"

"No-" Emersyn protested. "Well, yes, but that's not the point! You didn't even bother to tell me! Or- or- or ask! You didn't tell me any of your 'so-called plan'!" She caught up to him with angry strides.

Steve maintained his cool and replied calmly, "I thought you were the one with the plan."

Emersyn opened her jaw to fire back but could think of nothing to reply with.

"Weren't you there to 'get me out'?" Steve asked, giving her a side-eye.

"I was." She answered stiffly.

"What happened to your plan?" He asked cooly.

Emersyn gritted her teeth at his voice. His casual, confident tone irritated her greatly. She'd rather him be mad and yelling back at her than have this calm, stuck-up voice mocking her. "You ruined my plan once you decided to go skydiving." She directed the attention off of her.

"Did you see any other way out?" Steve asked again with no edge to his voice.

Emersyn snapped her jaw shut reluctantly. "No," she forced the word out.

"Then, I see no issue," Steve concluded.

"Okay, no!" Emersyn said sternly, eyes alight with fury. She stepped in front of him and pointed a finger to his chest. "You have not been listening to a word I've said this entire time. You've argued, disagreed with anything I say, completely ignored me, and disregarded any opinion I had! You could at least try and communicate, Rogers, because what just happened was not teamwork."

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