After a couple minutes everything was set up, I wanted to get Barry out of this. And it almost felt like he wanted me to get him out of it as well. But he told me, not to. Barry got situated on the treadmill and looked through the glass wall. I made direct eye contact with him, feeling stupid for not being able to stop Zoom. 

"Okay Barry just start running on the treadmill and your speed will start to decrease, till you start running without powers." Caitlin let off the button looking through the glass. 

Barry got on it and started running in super speed. I watched as he started strong and slowed down, going slower and slower. Till all his lightening was gone. When it was I rushed into the room going to Barry, who was now sitting on the edge of the treadmill. 

I wrapped my arm around his shoulder sitting next to him. His face was toward his shoes, he could hardly look at me "I'm so sorry Barr" 

He quickly wrapped his arms around my body and held onto me tightly "I'm sorry too" 

The night moved slow. After Barry got his speed taken, Harry, Cisco, and Iris were trying to puzzle together a way to give Barry his speed back. Joe was at the station and me and Barry decided to go home, so we said our goodbyes and I sped us both to our front door. I stopped to get the keys from Barry and looked at him, he didn't look up at me but kept his eyes at his feet. 

I opened the door and let him in shutting and locking the door behind him. I hung up my coat when Barry started yelling. "Let him go Jay!" 

I quickly turned to see Zoom holding Henry against the wall, who was panicky and looking at his son. "Barry?" 

Jay jerked Henry "You want to know what I went through?!" Jay yelled 

"Barry whatever happens, just know-" Henry was nearly crying

"I'll show you the hell I went through to get to who I am today" He whispered loud enough for us all to hear. 

"Me and your mom loved you so-" Henry started 

I realized what was going to happen and used my speed to run over to Henry, I saw the world slowing around me. Barry standing next to me with a tears on his face, pure panic and fear of losing his dad. Jay held up Henry and looked at me, smirking. That's when he vibrated his hand through his chest slowly. I screamed and ran faster to Henry. It was no use. 

I watched Henry fall in my arms as I cried. "Barry I'm so sorry" 

Zoom was gone and Barry ran over beside me looking down at his dead dad. One of his hands covered his mouth and he squatted down beside me. I glanced at Henry and back to Barry seeing tears running down his cheeks. He just got his dad back and now he was losing him all over again, and it was all my fault. I wasn't fast enough. 

After a couple weeks, the funeral was planned and set. It was hard on all of us but we had to keep moving forward. Henry knew all about team flash, he knew his son was flash, he knew that the bad Harrison Well's had killed his wife, he knew I had speed, and Cisco had superpowers. And before any one really got to know him, he was gone. In the blink of an eye, gone. Barry was barley getting out of bed, I felt like I had to force him to eat a little bit of food daily. He was going in a rough path but what could I say, I would do the same. I couldn't truthfully tell if he was mad at me, he said he wasn't but its like there's this wall between us lately and I couldn't figure a way around it. 

About a week later was the funeral for him. Team flash showed, some family friends showed but it didn't feel right. Not lone after the funeral we went home and Barry sat on the couch looking at me. "Thea, I can't do this" 

I rubbed my hand's together "What can't you do, because the Barry Allen I know can do anything he puts his mind to" 

He sighed "I don't have my speed, still after weeks and weeks. We still haven't even figured it out yet." 

"I know how to do it, but Barry-"

"You knew? How long have you know?!" He stood up angry 

I looked at him "I figured out last night" 

He groaned and walked to the kitchen grabbing a water "Well, we need to do it. We have to stop Zoom" 

"What are you meaning Barry? He promised he'd leave us alone-" 

"Yeah and he broke that promise, and now both of my parents are gone!" His eyes watered as he leaned on the marble counter 

I stood up and walked to him, standing in front of him "What are you planing on doing when I get your speed back?" 

"I would stop him before he hurts anyone else!" 

I turned my head "Barr, if I do this you have to promise. You have to promise that you won't hunt him down and hurt him like he did you." 

Barry got quiet "Let's just do thi-" 

"Barry, can't you see that's what he wants? He wants your anger, your negativity." I told him "If you give it to him he will use it against you, please promise me"

He got quiet and thought for a second "Fine I promise, I will not hunt down Zoom and hurt him. If you help me giving my speed back" 

I thought for a second and decided to do it, I knew how hard it was to go without speed and on top of that he had just lost his dad "Okay Barry but I will warn you it will hurt at first" 


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