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𝕋𝕚𝕞𝕖 𝕤𝕜𝕚𝕡 - around midnight

For once Cheicou was at the winery at this time, but only since Kai wasn’t back. She couldn’t explain to herself how she cane to care about him so quickly and couldn’t brush it off. Still she has been waiting for him for a while now.

He only returned around 4 am, holding the sleeping girl in his arms. It seemed like he had been with her the whole time..

"Hm?" The male entered quietly, surprised to see Cheicou there.

She looked at the girl.
“You can put her in my room.. not like I use it a lot anyways”

"You sure?" Kai asked in a hushed whisper.

“Mhmm” she hummed, nodding a bit.

"Thanks." he nods thankfully, walking upstairs. Around ten minutes later he came down again, sitting down at the couch with a sigh.

Cheicou hadn’t move a single centimeter from the spot she has been standing at for some hours now and by now spaced out.

"Cheicou?" Kai noticed that after some time, calling out to her.

It took her a bit to snap out of it, now turning to Kai. “Hmm?”

"Everything alright?" he asked concerned, tilting his head to the side a bit.

“Yeah.. I’m fine, just some thoughts”
Chei replied as she looked away from him again.

"If you say so." he nods, a little unconvinced but dropped it, too tired to care at the moment.

She noticed that pretty quickly.
“You should head to bed”

"Probably, yeah." He sighed.
"But I wouldn't be able to sleep now anyways." he admitted, looking up at the candlelight.

Cheicou just hummed in response, somehow still remaining in that same exact spot.

"What did you do after you left?" Kai asked after lore than enough moments of silence.

“Well..” she looked back at him.
“Just finished what I had to”

"Mhm." he hummed, raising an eyebrow suspisiously but didn't ask any further question, standing up.

"I'm going for a walk." he told her, approaching the door.

“Alright.. just, don’t get yourself into any trouble in your state” She mumbled the last part, before she finally moved and headed to the kitchen.

"No promises." he mumbled, leaving the building.

The male walked towards the lake, just following the flow, walking behind the winery. It was into the direction of stormterrors lair. At some point he encountered a waypoint and some anemo slimes. He just watched them for a while, leaning against a stone wall.

He smiled a little bit as the two tiny slimes seemed to be playing with each other, before happily walking past them. They noticed him, but he was quick to run, successfully avoiding them without killing them. Too cute honestly..

But at some point he began to feel like he’s being watched.

"This again.." he mumbled, continuing his way. He had been walking around for an hour now, trying to either figure out where the one watching him was or if they would leave him alone.

They wouldn’t leave him alone, tho their gaze wasn’t a piercing as it was in the beginning.

He soon saw the sun rising, and noticed he was almost in Liyue Harbour. He had been walking for the past 3 hours..

..and yet whoever was watching him, never left for a moment during this time.

"How.. weird" The presence felt so familiar, yet so strange to him. He sat down at the small pond after having walking up the big stairs the oast ten minutes, looking down at the big city and the people slowly awakening.

He closed his eyes, relaxing his body a little bit. He sat there for a few minutes, and if you weren't paying attention to his breathing, which you could only really realise if you were near him, it would look like he was sleeping.

Timeskip - the next day in the afternoon

By now Janina had gone home after thanking Cheicou again and since Kai wasn’t back yet, she asked Chei to say thank you to him from her. And after some time she finally found some time to sleep in a long while which she did under a tree as usually.

Meanwhile all that, Kai just said goodbye to a certain ginger which he had decided to visit since he was near. He was just on his way back to the winery, as it was almost evening now.

Cheicou was still asleep when he arrived at the winery again. Who knows how long it has been since she slept.

Kai saw that and chuckling quietly, deciding to just sit down at a rock a few feet away..

A little while passed when she began to wake up.

He opened his eyes as well, looking at her.

She yawned a bit, before sitting up.

"Good evening, sleeping beauty.." Kai greeted her with a small smile.

Chei took off her blindfold off for a moment, rubbing her eyes before putting it on again. She then looked up at Kai.
“For how long have you been here?..”

"Not long, maybe like half an hour.." he answered her.
"Janina went home?"

“Mhmm.. a few hours ago. Also she wanted me to tell you thank you for helping”
she was leaning against the tree again now.
He nods his head.

Chei took her blindfold off again, her bright red orange colored eyes now visible.
“Great.. dirt got in it again..”, she mumbled.

Kai blinked a few times but couldn't take his eyes off the shiny orbs. He was fascinated by them.

After a bit she looked up at him again, they locked eye contact now.

"You're eyes.. truly are mesmerising.." he mumbled, gaze fixated on her.

“Ah.. thank you..” she wasn’t used to getting compliments on her eyes since she always wore that blindfold.

He chuckled a bit.
"Surely I can't be the only one thinking this?" he asked, raising an eyebrow, kind of curious now.

“I haven’t shown my eyes to anyone in years..”, she told him.

"Then I must be very special, no?" he grinned slightly.

But truth to be told he was a bit surprised to hear that himself.

“Kind of yeah..”, she smiled a bit.

Kai chuckled a bit.
"I'm honoured to hear that then.."

Chei decided to not put on her blindfold again yet, just holding it in her hand.

"I think I will go now and get some sleep, since.. well I missed out a whole night." he stood up, letting out a sigh.

"I'll see you tomorrow I suppose?"

She nodded in response

"Alright." Kai walked towards the winery, dissapearing behind the wooden doors.

𝓣𝓮𝔂𝓿𝓪𝓽 𝓲𝓼, 𝔀𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝔀𝓮 𝓫𝓮𝓵𝓸𝓷𝓰 - 𝓖𝓮𝓷𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓷 𝓘𝓶𝓹𝓪𝓬𝓽 Where stories live. Discover now