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{ ꪖꪻ ꪻꫝꫀ ᦔꪖ᭙ꪀ ᭙꠸ꪀꫀ᥅ꪗ }

It was around afternoon when Kaeya, part of the knights was favoniosus, was sitting at the table, drinking some wine, minding his own buissness, until his brother Diluc, the owner of the tavern Angels Share, came home. And this basically meant, yet another argument, like always.

"My, my.. look who we have here." Kaeya chuckled, sipping on his wine in delight.

"Didn't think to see you here so early, Master Diluc." He said, clearly teasing. The tall, red headed man let out a sigh, closing his eyes for a second before opening them again.

"I have some.. buissness at home to take care of. What is your reason for being here?" He asked, now crossing his arms over his chest. He actually wasn't supposed to be here, but the blue haired male clearly didn't care, but Diluc didn't have the nerve to deal with him at the moment. Kaeya took another sip of his wine..

"Acting grandmaster Jean told me to go home, since there was basically no paperwork to be done for me anymore." He told him with a shrug, looking pretty relaxed at the moment.

"Mhm. Sure, and you had nothing better to do than follow her order like a lost puppy? Not much of a surprise." He didn't move a muscle in his face as he walked to the front to get himself a glass of water, taking a sip.

"Don't be so rude, Master Diluc. Breaks don't hurt, you know?" The knight raised an eyebrow, maybe even looking slightly amused.

"No, but the breaks you spend here hurt me." he said, emptying the glass in one sip and putting the glass down with a loud thud.

"I will be in my room. Don't break anything" Diluc told his 'brother' in a cold tone of voice, before walking upstairs.

“Whatever you say” Kaeya looked after Diluc as he walked up the stairs.

“Now lets see.. where could she be right now..” the blue haired male wondered himself. The mentioned person, was a guest of theirs who had been living with Diluc and Kaeya for about one and a half months now. And yet, her whereabouts are mostly never known to anyone, getting a hold of her was hard enough and yet she was also rather mysterious.

Diluc stood behind the wall besides the stairs. Of course... he thought annoyed, walking off to his room. When he reached the door to his room, someone appeared behind him.

"What did he do this time?..." a female voice asked.

"Existing. Simply, existing is enough.." the man sighed, opening the door to his room and stepping inside, waiting for her to do the same if she wanted to. Depends.

"Seemingly he's not the only thing that caused your mood to get so gloomy." She followed him into his room while saying so.

"Just having trouble at work. By the way, someone I know will be stopping by for some work buissness as he does every three months. At saturday.. so.. tomorrow." He said, having lost track of time again.

"Alright." She nodded, making her way over to the window.

"If you need help in any way, just tell me, I'll gladly help." She opened the window.

"I'll see you around." And with that, she was out of the window and once again gone.

"Mhm." He hummed, sitting sown on the bed, propping up his elbows and resting his head in his hands tiredly. Today was tiring, and the next few days are not going to get any better.

𝓣𝓮𝔂𝓿𝓪𝓽 𝓲𝓼, 𝔀𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝔀𝓮 𝓫𝓮𝓵𝓸𝓷𝓰 - 𝓖𝓮𝓷𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓷 𝓘𝓶𝓹𝓪𝓬𝓽 Where stories live. Discover now