"Where the hell were you for two weeks?", John asked.

"I was resting", Porchay said.

Mike smirked and said, "Mm...resting. Got punished by Khun Kim or what?"

Porchay glared at Mike. It was enough for him to stay silent for the rest of the conversation.

"John, ask your boyfriend to find me job with little higher amount than last time.", Porchay said.

John looked at him confusedly.

"Also, make sure it's a little decent one.", Porchay added.

"What happened?", John asked. "Are you Okay?"

Porchay looked at him and said nothing.

"You wanna talk?", John asked.

"Nope. I am completely fine", Porchay said with a fake smile. "What happened to me?"

"Then why do you want a job suddenly and that too with a high salary?", John asked.

Porchay exhaled and said, "I have decided to leave Kim's mansion. And also repay whatever the fuck he had paid for me."

Mike smiled proudly while John looked at him with doubt.

"But you love him, right?", John asked.

"I used to.", Porchay said. "But now I think, someone else deserves my love, respect and time. But not Kim."

"Have you found your 'Someone else' yet?", Mike asked.

"Nope", Porchay said with a smile. "But one day I will."

"Whatever decision you take, you always have our support.", John said. "Remember that."

Porchay nodded with a smile.

The bell rang and all the three went for their regular classes.


Big came pick Porchay up and dropped him to the Café.

"When your shift is done, call me or this number.", Big said. "Don't walk home."

"Whose number is this?", Porchay asked.

"It's the number of the Bodyguard's Office. If you call, they will send someone to pick you up.", Big said.

"Okay.", Porchay said. "Bye, P'Big."

Today he was reading books for children in person. He read fairy tales like Snow While, Cinderella and many more.

The last story he read was Beauty and the Beast.

"Then the Princess kissed the beast and the spell is undone, reviving the Beast and restoring his human form along with his servants and castle. The Prince and the Princess hosted a ball for the kingdom and they danced.

And then they lived happily ever after.", Porchay concluded.

He sighed as he closed the book.

"Children", he said. "This is fiction. But in reality, everybody roams with a fake mask of being a charming Prince. And when you shower your love and care for them, they reveal their real form of a Beast."

All the children looked at each other.

"You are your stories Prince or Princess. Don't let an ungrateful Beast destroy it.", Porchay said. "Thank you."

Big had already come because it was late. Porchay saw him and packed his bags and went to him.

"You are here, P'Big", Porchay said. "What happened?"

"Khun Kim asked for you.", Big said. "He needs you to..."

"To warm his bed?", Porchay asked. Big nodded.

"Fine", Porchay said and sat in the car.

Soon, they reached the mansion. Porchay went to his room and freshen up.

He then went to Kim's room. He was taking a bath, Porchay sat on the bed and waited.

Soon, Kim came out wearing a robe.

"Hey, Darling", Kim said. "You are here finally."

Porchay said nothing and removed his shirt and laid down on the bed.

Kim was confused but then he removed his robe and got on top of Porchay.

"What position do you wanna try today, Darling?", Kim asked as he licked Porchay's earlobe.

"Anything", Porchay said coldly. "Just get done with it quickly."

Kim looked at him but Porchay didn't look at his face. This infuriated Kim. He decided to teach Porchay a lesson.

Thinking Porchay would scream, he entered him with no preparation or lube.

But to his surprise Porchay didn't utter a word. Also, his expression remained the same. Not a single muscle changed in his face.

After thrusting for a few times, Kim cummed.

He held Porchay's chin and lifted it. "Why are you showing this attitude?", Kim asked.

"You are done right?", Porchay said and got up. He wore his clothes and left.

This only made Kim more and more angry. But he decided to control.


It was a weekend so there was no training session.

That day Porchay and Kim ate breakfast together.

"Tomorrow you are coming with me.", Kim said.

"Where?", Porchay asked coldly.

Kim looked at him and said, "To Gia's wedding, my ex-fiancée"

"I will think about it", Porchay said.

Kim slammed his hands on the table with anger and took the knife from cutlery. And put it near Porchay's neck and said, "I. Didn't. Ask. You."

Porchay glared at him but didn't let fear take over his eyes.

(To be continued)


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