14. Cafe Date

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A scowl was on his face, and his ears were pointed downwards. The dark fur on his leg was ruffled from the desperate arms of Mugman

Mugman: Please, please, please!

And his desperate pleas. The Devil glared down at his employee, his small body laid across the floor, being dragged along by the demon

Devil: For the millionth time, no!

Mugman: Please! I've been actually showing up to work, I deserve this!

Devil: You're supposed to be showing up, regardless!

Mugman: C'mon! Please!

Devil: No!

Mugman: Just this one time! I'll show up tomorrow and work an actual full shift!

Devil: Ughh, no! What will it take for you to just shut up and let it go?!

He lifted up his leg and shook it slightly, yet Mugman still did not let go. Cuphead set down a glass of alcohol and hopped down from a bar stool, approaching his boss and brother

Cuphead: Dev, boss, just let him go! I've literally never seen him cling onto anyone and beg! He's desperate!

Devil: To see Gabriel? That's hard to believe.

The demon crossed his arms, raising a brow as he set his foot back down onto the floor

Mugman: Well, I also forgot we were meant to go on a date today!

Devil: Does it look like I care?

He asked, maintaining the same expression as before. Then he glanced up at Dice. The man was sitting on a couch, reading a newspaper while smoking a cigar

Devil: Dice is handsome, don't you think?

His ears lowered again, a small smile appearing on his face. Mugman also looked over, then grinned and stood up, grabbing Devil's arm to get his attention

Mugman: I'm just trying to spend time with my boyfriend! Wouldn't you try everything to find some time for Dice? You both are always busy with work!

As he explained, Cuphead nodded, respecting Mugman's clever tactic. He walked away, heading back to the bar, and his glass of whiskey

Mugman: Please, Devil?

His eyes sparkled with enthusiasm and innocence. Luci's eyes narrowed, and he glanced over at Dice again. He sighed and face-palmed

Devil: Fine. But you better show up tomorrow, or I will literally kill you!

Mugman: Thanks, boss!

Immediately, Mugman ran off and out of the casino without a second thought. He ran all the way to a small, cozy cafe in Inkwell City

Mugman: Gabe, I'm here!

The door swung open, a bell sounding noisily. People stared at Mugman, and he nearly hit a table as he ran to another one that was across the room

Mugman: Gabe! I-I'm so sorry! I forgot about the date!

He apologized to the angel. He was standing next to a chair, his coat in hand

Gabriel: Oh, I was just about to leave..

Mugman: Please, don't! I'm really sorry! I forgot, went to work, and when I finally remembered, I had to convince Devil to let me off of work!

Gabriel: And he did?

Mugman: Y-Yeah!

When he began to step closer, Gabriel slowly sat down again, a confused look on his face

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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