12. Relaxing/Sleeping

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I kinda forgot what the actual #12 was, but I'm not doing it, so uhh yeah

His feet dragged across the marble floor tiredly, and he sighed. He peered into a room already full of archangels and a single seraphim. His older brother

Zadkiel: There he is! Hey, Gabe!

Raziel: Finally decided to join, hm?

Raguel: Where were you?

Ariel: Don't be so hard on the man, Rag! Cut him some slack!

Her slightly raspy, yet booming voice spoke loudly, and Gabriel smiled at her words. Raguel crossed his arms and shrugged

Raziel: Sleeping again, I presume..

Jophiel: You really shouldn't, Gabriel. You'll get in trouble again.

Gabriel: I wasn't sleeping! I was just busy with my work and forgot about the meeting!

He had been walking across the room down a long "table," I guess, where all the others were standing. He stopped next to Michael, and Raphael stood on the seraphim's left

Raphael: Hello, Gabe!

Gabriel: Hi, Raph..

Raphael: Were you really doing work?

The question was whispered to Gabriel as Raph leaned in front of Michael in order to get closer to Gabriel

Gabriel: No, I was sleeping..

After his nervous confession, Michael finally stopped observing the room and stared down at Gabriel

Gabriel: I'm sorry, Mike! You know I try not to!

Raphael: I'm sure Raziel heard that..

Gabriel: Of course he did..

They muttered quietly to each other, glancing at the long-eared angel. He grinned at them, nodding briefly

Michael: Raphael, Gabriel, move, please.

Once he spoke, everyone went silent, and his two brothers resumed their stances. Hours later, Gabriel was leaned against the wall of the elevator, his eyes tired and legs weak

Gabriel: I hope they're home..

He muttered to himself, staring at the floor. Once the elevator doors opened, he stepped out and headed to the apartment door

Gabriel: *sigh* Here we go..

After straightening out his suit and fixing his hair, he knocked on the door, and it was answered a few moments later

Mugman: Gabe! Hi!

A loud, annoyed groan from Cuphead followed the happy exclaim from Mugs

Gabriel: Hello, Mugs! How are you?

The angel smiled, kneeling down to return the hug. They let go and smiled at each other as Gabe stood up again

Mugman: I'm fine! What about you?

Gabriel: I'm great!

Mugman: Good! Come in! Cup and I were just making a cake!

He led in Gabe, gently pulling him alomg by the arm. Gabriel looked up at Cuphead, who was mixing batter

Gabriel: What for?

Mugman: Just for fun! Right, Cup?

Cuphead: Yeah, we were just wanting cake.. no special reason..

He spoke quietly, slowing down his pace of mixing. Gabriel glanced around in the kitchen and noticed a coffee pot

Gabriel: Can I have some coffee?

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