11. Selfie

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I realized I forgot to cross this one out bcuz selfies weren't a thing back then, so I guess this will just be "photo," lol

Upon the screen, a man and lady shared a romantic kiss, much to the inevitable dismay of Cuphead. He glanced at his brother uncomfortably, who seemed a little bittersweet

Mugman: Aren't you glad they've finally rekindled their love?

Cuphead: No! You should know I hate this crap!

Mugman: I was being sarcastic! Of course I know you hate it!

He rolled his eyes, leaning over to reach a glass of water on the coffee table in front of the couch they were sitting on

Cuphead: I never should've agreed to watch this stupid movie with ya!

Mugman: You insisted we'd watch a movie I wanted to!

Cuphead: I didn't know they'd be kissing every five seconds! That slut's kissed like 2 other guys!

He exclaimed, pointing at the woman onscreen. Mugman rolled his eyes and crossed his arms

Mugman: It's called "drama." This is a classic film!

Cuphead: Classic trash, more like..

Mugman: You're just an uncultured drug-addict..

Cuphead: Drug - wha- I am not!

Mugman: Yes, you are!

They began to bicker, standing up from the couch as the TV continued to play. Then the phone rang, and Mugman went to answer it

Mugman: Yess..?

He asked tiredly, clearly irritated. The voice on the other end didn't really surprise him this time because he'd been calling so much lately

Devil: Hello, Mugman.

Mugman: Boss.. what a delight..

Devil: I need at least one of you to come into work today. Pirouletta called in sick

Mugman: Is she alright?

His voice became one expressing concern for his friend. Cuphead walked over, leaning towards Mugs a bit

Devil: Yeah, I guess. Anyway, one of you. Now. I'll pay you overtime

Mugman: I'll go

Devil: I'm not paying overtime

Mugman: What?! Why not??

Devil: Overtime is to pay you for hours that exceed your schedule. You haven't fulfilled even your regular schedule. So what sense would it make for me to pay you extra when you don't deserve it?

Mugman: I'll send Cuphead then. We could use the extra money

At his mention, Cuphead raised a brow and crossed his arms, intrigued to find out why they were supposedly talking about him

Devil: It's settled then.

Once the Devil hung up, Mugs turned to his brother with a brief sigh

Mugman: Go to work. Pirouletta called in sick. You'll get paid overtime

Cuphead: You had me at more money!

He smiled a little before heading off to his room. Mugman stared down the hall, surprised by how positively he reacted

Mugman: I expected he'd start whining and throwing a fit..

After his quiet mumble, the door was knocked on, and Mugs answered it. Gabe was standing there

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