7. First Date

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His feet dragged across the floor wearily after he shut one of the large doors. Smoke traveled up from a cigar he held as he approached the Devil

Devil: No Mugman?

Cuphead: He's got a boyfriend now. They're out on a date

King Dice: A boyfriend?

Cuphead: They've been friends for a while. That's who's been keeping my brother from work all this time. Now the bastard confesses, and mugs will definitely be more absent now, no doubt

Devil: Who?

Cuphead: Gabriel. Tall sheep bastard with a snobby white suit!

He walked past the demon angrily. The Devil nearly choked on his drink before he looked up at Dice. Both of them stared at each other with wide eyes

Mugman: What did you say?

Gabriel: I asked where you work. I'm curious

Mugman: Oh! Uhm, well.. I work as a waiter!

Gabriel: A waiter? Where at? Maybe I could visit you at work sometime!

Mugman: Nah, no, it's not much, trust me! It's a major downgrade from your rich, professional career of being a university professor!

Gabriel: Who ever said I was rich?

Mugman: Don't play dumb with me! Look where we are right now!

He quietly hissed out at Gabriel. They were sitting at a table in the corner of some sort of fancy restaurant

Mugman: And your place is really nice..

Gabriel: Thank you!

Mugman: I don't even know why you want to date someone like me..

Gabriel: Because I love you!

Mugman: Why?

Gabriel: You bring me happiness and comfort

Mugman: Why??

Gabriel: Because you're so kind!

Mugman: No, I'm not!

Gabriel: Whether or not that's true, I still love you through all your flaws, misfortune, and misdeeds. Everyone makes mistakes. That is a part of being mortal

Mugman: Mortal..

Gabriel: Yes, of course! Not everyone in this world is human, are they? You're not

Mugman: It's.. still a weird thing to hear

He chuckled nervously, and Gabriel smiled at him. He grabbed Mugman's hand and held it gently

Gabriel: Mugman, your status, financial situation, lifestyle, or anything does not matter to me. I love you, and nothing will ever change that, okay?

Mugman: I love you too..

His face was tinted very lightly as he stared at Gabriel, the angel returning the same watchful gaze

Gabriel: We should order our food now

Mugman: Oh, right, okay..

He pulled his hand away from Gabriel and picked up the menu. The angel stared at him, humored by the fact that the considerably large menu covered all of Mugman's face, shoulders, and chest

Gabriel: No offense, but why are you so.. small?

The question flipped a switch. Mugman slowly lowered the menu, glaring at his boyfriend intensely. Then, the menu was slowly lifted back up

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