8. First Kiss

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The door shut, and Mugman removed his coat. Gabriel gently took it from him and hung it up on a coat rack

Gabriel: Make yourself at home, I need to check on my housemate!

Mugman: You have a housemate?

Gabriel: He's my friend!

He answered as he walked down a hall. Mugs glanced around before entering the kitchen. He flinched when he saw someone standing in there

Mugman: A-Are you Gabriel's friend?

He asked timidly. The dark figure didn't answer. They slowly turned around, holding a pint of ice cream

Mugman: Umm, hi..

Again, they didn't say anything. But they walked past Mugman, tossing the empty ice cream container into the trash

Gabriel: There you are!

Azrael: Who's that?

Gabriel: Mugman, why?

Azrael: Why is he here? Again?

Gabriel: Mind your business, Az!

Azrael: Since when have you?

Gabriel: Touche

He placed a hand on Mugman's shoulder and led him into the living room. Then he turned back to his friend

Gabriel: He's just here to spend the night

Azrael: Fine. But if I hear anything, I'm kicking him out!

Gabriel: Do you take me as some kind of senseless whore?!

Azrael: Why shouldn't I?

They briefly smiled at Gabe before heading down the hall. Gabriel scoffed before heading into the kitchen and opening the freezer

Gabriel: For Heaven's sake, he ate all the ice cream again!

Mugman: Are you sure he's not your brother? You two act like it, hah

Gabriel: I'm glad he isn't!

He said as he tossed two empty pints of ice cream into the trash

Mugman: He leaves them in the freezer? He threw away the last one I saw him eating

Gabriel: He only tosses them when it's convenient

He walked into the living room again and sat on the couch. Mugs sat next to him

Mugman: What's his name?

Gabriel: Azrael

Mugman: Cuphead would think that's the coolest name ever

He said with a chuckle. Gabe smiled at him before relaxing against the couch cushions

Mugman: What now?

Gabriel: Would you like to study?

Mugman: No, I'd rather relax with you!

He leaned against Gabriel, closing his eyes briefly with a content smile. Gabe blushed lightly before putting his arm around Mug's shoulder

Gabriel: What do you want to do, then?

Mugman: Maybe just talk or something..

Gabriel: What about?

Mugman: Well, what're your brothers like?

Gabriel: Complete opposites! One's strict, uptight, and an absolute buzzkill! Another's kind, understanding, and very caring!

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