2. Hanging out

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Papers flew out from a messenger bag and landed on the stairs. Mugman nearly fell when he skidded to a stop to retrieve them

Mugman: Shit! Ugh, why does today absolutely suck?!

He asked himself frantically as he collected the papers. Once he finished, he immediately rushed off again. He exited the building and ran down the sidewalk

Mugman: *I just hope Cuphead's cleaning the apartment like I told him to!*

He thought to himself. His brother was sitting on his bed, staring through the window at Mugman. Eventually, he finally made it to Inkwell Library

Mugman: Damn it, damn it!

He muttered to himself as he made his way up the stairs. He walked quickly to a table, where he saw his new acquaintance sitting

Mugman: *Oh no.. I wonder what he'll think of me being late..*

Slowly and quietly, he walked closer. The man's back was turned to him, so he didn't see Mugman

Mugman: G-Gabriel..?

He tilted his head, gripping the strap of his bag tightly. Gabriel turned his head to Mugs and smiled

Gabriel: Hello, my friend!

Mugman: Sorry I'm late..

Gabriel: That's quite alright!

His kind smile unsettled Mugman if he was being honest. Mugman's trust was a difficult thing to obtain

Gabriel: Now, show me your notes! Let's get started!

He enthusiastically put his hands together, his smile growing. Mugman smiled back and nodded. They talked and studied for a while

Mugman: Excuse me?

Gabriel: Yes?

The man answered, his eyes not leaving a book he was reading. He had a calm, casual expression

Mugman: Um, I was wondering.. if you wanted to visit my apartment again?

Gabriel: Why, may I ask?

Mugman: I-Isn't it a little risky to discuss such a topic in public like this? O-Or we could go to your place..

Gabriel: Hm..

He finally looked up at Mugman, a thoughtful look on his face. That made the mug anxious

Gabriel: I don't see why not! But, I wouldn't want to disturb your brother again. I could tell we had last time

Mugman: Just ignore him! He's only jealous that I'm with you all the time!

Gabriel: Jealous?

Mugman: Yeah, he can be clingy..

He explained, waving around a pen he held. Gabriel took the pen, unexpectedly, and wrote something down

Gabriel: Here! I have to go, now!

As soon as he had walked off with his things, Mugman looked at the paper he was handed. He frowned when he realized it was in Enochian

Mugman: What in the world makes him think I've already learned it?

He crumbled up the paper and left it on the floor as he collected his belongings. He slipped the bag over his shoulder and left the library


mugriel oneshots ♡Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora