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*Kista Singh *
"I want to go out for some fresh air "

" But mam I am not allowed too take you out .... Arohi said knowing well that if Shyla would come to know she would kill her .

" And if you won't take me out I will kill you , i know what you are thinking Arohi".

Arohi is Kista's nurse.
(Jesi beti wasi maa , bechari mai😭) she said in very low volume.

" Shyla won't say anything to you, i promise,
Now take me out ."
Arohi nodded as she don't know what the consequences might be , if she won't go then the devil's mother would kill her and if she does then the devil her self would kill her , she got no choice , but she decided to go out with kista as she promised to save her.

" Where do you want to go mam".Arohi asked hoping it won't be much far from the mansion.

" Park". Kista said as in morning her aged people always jogs and exercise, so she thought her time would pass good there if she find some one there.

Arohi took everything necessary with her related to her medical condition and agreed to go out.
After walking for about 10 minutes, they reached the nearest park near their mansion.

Kista after so long stepping out of that mansion and taking fresh air all by her self was enjoying a lot , that beauty of outside world she missed a lot her craving for that fresh air and some people around rather than those black coat chimpanzee (body guards )  were far more better she was relieved, only thing that she was missing was her daughter beside her , but she knows her work is engaging and feds her up too it's max so she don't want her to disturb or make her worried any more.

She was walking inside the park and saw a figure of know lady , but she was not confirmed that was it her childhood friend, Kasturi Singh , they were friends until there college time and as they got married they lost their contact , Kista tried several times to get her contact but was not able to, she just went near her and without looking at not wanting to embarrass her self she called
"kesarrr" Kista use too call her kesar so if she looks , then she got her another part of her heart ✧⁠*, and as she thought that , Kasturi jumped at her and hugged her, they both were missing there embrace so much that , the hug felt like a wave of relieve .
" Kistttaaaaa where were you my darling" kasturi said with ocean of water fill in her eyes .
" You still didn't stop flirting n " she laughed and both the ladies started laughing like a fellow.
Arohi was standing behind her and was smiling by seeing two old and best friends meeting again.
" Is she your daughter Kista?" She pointed towards Arohi and said .
" No she is just , she is just hanging out with me". Kista said with cracked voice .
" You still don't know how to lie sweetheart aww proud of you ". And started laughing and looked at her with sharp eyes for the answer.
Kista huffed and said " She is my nurse ".
" Nurse what happened to you is everything ohky ??". Kasturi face turned to concern look
" Ah it's just nothing, my daughter is overprotective towards me nothing more".

kista then turned the serious conversation as she knows if it goes on more her bestie will get worried, and she don't want to waste her time in saying her all sad stories and past after all she meet her after years , so she decided to change the topic.

"Kasturi My home is just 10 minutes away from here , please let's go and chat there ".

Kista made her best puppy eyes to convince her as she knows that her bestie won't deny after that, she want her to meet her other part of heart, her daughter .

''Hnmm ohky fine , let's go anything for you"

Kista jumped in happiness after hearing her ( even aged people act like kid near their true friends and best friends 😊).

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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