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// flash back of 5 years old Shyla //  

Kista locks Shyla in room and is being abused by her husband.
You bitch i will kill you today...
I told you to obey my each and every single rule to stay under my shoes but you bloody bitch
I think you are not able to understand
I am sorry that won't happen again...
*Continues 3-4 slaps *
Sorry my foot .. take your fucking child and get out of my house .
I am begging you pls pls where would I take my 5 year child and go ...and she is your child too ...
Ravi Singh : I don't give a damn

Shyla locked in dark room listening and crying cause she knows that tomorrow her mother will be filled with buries ,even though she is 5 but she is way too..mature too be of her age

//16 years Shyla  //
Stop dad pls don't hurt mom how could uh abuse your own wife how can you....
She was pushed back by her dad and again
Uh fucking bloody women
How could you deny my demand
And you are teaching your daughter too..back answer...
She was pushed hard and she fell on tea table in front of sofa and was thrashed on ground by dragging her hairs on floor..when he was done by beating his wife and daughter he then dragged her out of gate and was left outside of the house,
She was so in focused in saving her and her daughters life that she didn't cared her head was bleeding and clothes were tore ...
Her daughter was crying and screaming too save them but no one ever came no one ever cared ,
And left the unconscious body of his wife on ground with his daughter searching for her breath, with red eyes and broken words .

Shyla pov :
I wanna disappear like i never existed before because Some wounds are unbearable cause they hurt different when uh cant apply medicine and I am tired ...tired of everything....

"When the night arrives, I fear that i will find myself defeated again though  there is comfort in shedding all the sorrows in tears , but this night snatches my hope from me, this night teaches me too hate myself ....what should I do with these night's when I have no dream ?
I don't fear to die because I don't have any existence , I have just fear of losing some people ...but those people don't feel the sorrow of losing me....."


Rudra Singh Rathore:

who the fuck is interrupting in my world how did they came too know the details of the supply ...... Asked Rudra too...one of the guard anger clearly visible on his face..with clenched jaws and fisted Hands.

"sir through our research we  came too know that " ... He was Trembling  looking at Rudra in anger... people would pee in their pants ...but his men were trained too...Tolerate  his wrath .
The person who is interrupting in our Mafia world is the upcoming new therefore strong mafia's of "The Leo 's"
The Leo mafias are trying there best to destroy our position and power where as there leader is still unknown .

Then find the fucking details about the leader...till tomorrow, I want too meet the person who is trying to compete with us
You all have time till tomorrow..give the details or die.... Said Rudra and left.

//At Rathore  Mansion//

You are back you know I was waiting for you I need a saree for my annual function in college...
And mummyyy is denying..(fake cry). She is saying too wear her saree 😭
Each and every girl would look so pretty and me .......
The Rudra Singh Rathore 's sister huh ! I would just look like 80's aunty .
What do you mean by 80's aunty...

I am not that old , and where are you learning to  disrespect every one ..said kasturi looking at her daughter in disbelief she twisted her ear.

Ahh!! Bhaiya ...said kirti showing her puppy eyes to her brother which works .

It's okay  mom leave her and kriti I will tell my designer to design your saree. Said Rudra looking at her sister's .. puppy eyes.

Yayyy!! that's my brother , I love you bhaii
Kriti jumping and giggling

You are just spoiling her Rudra ...said kasturi glaring at her son for supporting her sister every time .

She is my sister mom and she will get what she wants... Rudra wants too every sort of happiness to his family...that's the reason he works with his father

But she should know how to work hard and earn things like you did whereas not to be a spoiled kid and stubbornly ask for thing and she would easily get it ....said kasturi looking at her careless daughter

It's ohky mom me and dad are working for a reason and we have way too more then we actually need and she is my only sister after all ....Rudra said ,while kriti giggled and gave her a i don't love you look to her mother.

Aww love you Bhai she hugs him and run to call her friend so that she can flex for her saree too be designed by a famous designer.

While kasturi starts with Rudra marriage again after all she is making his son realise he is getting older and she need daughter in law.....and after a year or later her grandson

You need to get married Rudra... said kasturi

Not again mom I am not interested in marriage or love short of things and I am not going to marry, i don't want any disturbance in my business right now.

But....his mother was about too speak till then Rudra spoke...tired of all this work loads and need a bit of rest .

That's end of discussion.... Said Rudra and went tooo his room

End of chapter 1 (her past )
Next update day after tomorrow
Small moment between Shyla and Rudra.
Please support,vote and share.... Story is going too be interesting trust me....but you need too have patience for that .

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