"I don't think the president would allow that," Adrien said.

"Also, the way you looked at the bakery girl, I saw you looked interested in her. Trust me, she is done falling in love again. Only now her hatred is her new best friend" Felix said.

"Her hatred will only isolate her even more," Adrien said.

"She's afraid for history to repeat again if she did try to give another chance," Felix said.

"She shouldn't let her fear overtake her and learn to love herself again too," Adrien said.

"That is why Chloe is the reason she controls everything in school. Now hurry up out there before you sink my teeth in my ass" Felix said.

"Oh yes," Adrien got out, ready to start his master plan.


As Claw Noir, he goes to a nightclub again since he needs to feed from a drunk person and needs answers about Chloe from these goons since they know a lot about what's happening to Paris for years. He looks for anyone resourceful.

"Meow" He found one that looked very drunk, so he chose his prey to feed.

He pulled him to a private room to drain him. He can't kill him or draw a lot of attention. As soon as he was fed, he dropped him unconscious like he had too much to drink.

"Damn, he had too much" Claw Noir said before belching. He wipes his mouth clean off.

He comes out and finds a bad thug to interrogate but there are only women here tonight in tight leather skirts and tank tops, along with very high-knee combat boots.

"Tell me about it. A cat that is like a descendant of the one from the late 19th century. More like a lost kitten on the streets" one of them laughed about a rumor.

"He's being a competition for Ladybug," Said another one.

"Ahem," Claw Noir got their attention.

"Look! It's Copy Noir!" One of the girls pointed at him.

"Claw Noir to you, ladies. The real one in your pathetic rumors" He drags his claws on the wooden table to show seriousness.

"What do you want from us?!" One of the girls asked.

"I need to know more about the Mayor's daughter Chloe. Starting now" Claw Noir said.

"You're insane! That bitch can do anything with that power to remove or exile anyone. Even on pathetic innocents that never committed" One of them said.

"I don't care. All I want is the history of her power abuse. Tell me now or these claws will rip your tongues out than just the phrase everyone knows" Claw Noir extends his claws.

"And I thought every lady has rights to be told as ladies first, hooker alley cat!" The leader cackled.

Claw Noir snarled and pinned the leader at the wall, his claws sinking into her curves.

"AGGHH!!!" She screamed.

"I don't kill but I can hurt you for answers. Tell me all about Chloe Bourgeois" Claw Noir demanded before sinking his claws deeper

"Stop! STOP! I'll tell you everything! Please! I'll talk!" The leader cried in pain.

"NOW!" Claw Noir demanded.

"Agh! Chloe once had a friend named Sabrina 2 years ago! She always does everything for her to torment innocent people! But as it goes too far, Sabrina cuts ties with her, switching schools to get away from Chloe! I just assume that losing a friend made Chloe a bigger monster! But then a new friend Chloe made is a bigger problem! She's always lying to pretend she's traveling so she doesn't have to go to school! That's all I know!" The female explained quickly before the claws got deep to the bone.

"Lila!" Claw Noir figured it out and let go of the leader, "Where can I find Sabrina?"

"In downtown Paris," The leader said.

"Where in downtown?!" Claw Noir growled.

"She's near the central hotel," The leader said.

"Thanks" Claw Noir released her, "Next time, don't wear a very short skirt, or your ass gets smacked so hard you'll be attracting danger"

"Yes sir," The woman said nervously.

"Who the hell?" The others exclaimed.

Claw got out of the club to find Sabrina. Sabrina would be helpful but he can't scare her as the cat.

"Looks like a job for Aiden Bastet" He decided to use his secondary alter ego.


The next day it was cloudy and rainy, Adrien as Aiden decided to head downtown to find Sabrina. Felix gave him the picture of what Sabrina really looked like.

"This should be a piece of cake to find her," Adrien said.

Felix told him she lives with her single father who is a police officer and he once served the mayor but as it got too much he decided to move away since the mayor gives him lousy orders that don't do justice at all.

"Man, the Mayor knows nothing about the law," Adrien thought.

He found her going to the store for a new cleaning cloth for her glasses. He follows her inside.

"Thank you, ma'am," Sabrina said before leaving but was stopped by a black-haired boy.

"Hi, uh, Sabrina Raincomprix, right?" Adrien asked.

"I don't have time to answer to strangers asking me about my ex-friend Chloe" Sabrina always hated others asking her about Chloe.

"This is an emergency regarding her abuse of power and ruining people's lives," Adrien said.

"I'm done getting involved in this. Ever since Chloe treated me like a doormat, I cut ties and moved away ever since she made friends with a liar" Sabrina walked passed him to leave but then got startled at how fast he appeared.

"Look, I know how much it hurts to face it again but if she's not stopped, there is no justice to be served. I know what that's like by doing nothing until one day it gets out of hand" Adrien said.

"Chloe never sees me good enough for her! Do you know what it's like to feel like you won't be perfect enough to be adored by someone who just treats you like a nobody?!" Sabrina yelled at how he couldn't see her pain.

"I've been through that myself, but they didn't do it without a heart. But they last did it blindly and it cost most of my family" Adrien half lied that he lost his family a century ago.

"That's another reason there's no luck on our side. I can't help you, weirdo. Chloe always thinks highly of herself. Not even supporting my grief when I lost my mother 3 years ago and she made fun of my grieving for her entertainment. I tried reasoning with her but she refuses to think about the consequences of her actions" Sabrina said and tried to get past him but he was too fast.

"What if we could work together to put an end to her regime of terror and misery? That's something the famous Paw Noir would've done" Adrien suggested.

"And how are you gonna do that? With that liar by her side?" Sabrina questioned.

"Trust me," Adrien said.

"Cerise is more capable of persuading everything," Sabrina said.

"Yes, but every lie has no future" Adrien replied.

"The teachers and adults are easily fooled by her lies. Getting involved only gets everyone to be framed as liars" Sabrina said.

Adrien can see how much she went through, "Well if you change your mind, you know where to go. Sometimes doing nothing isn't gonna go away. I tried that before and it didn't end so well. Like a boogeyman lurking around to one day come out of the kid's closet to get their imagination the better of them than just reality" Adrien said before leaving, hoping it would give her time.

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