Midnight Visitor

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inspired by the tweet above gguuuhhh
featuring a paranoid and traumatized shadow along with creepy sonic yeaahh!!!!! idk this one was a little nonsensical

The tall trees loomed over the blue hedgehog, who found himself in the middle of a forest in the late hours, sitting on the grass behind a thicket. Another usual night for the hedgehog.

Despite the idea sounding strange within itself, Sonic never really had what most would consider a 'home', at least not a physical place that he independently owned, which would have to exclude Tails' workshop where his fox friend lived and where he would usually stay whenever he needed to since Tails didn't seem like he minded. However, it was quite ironic that, despite Sonic being the adult out of the two, he didn't even have a residence of his own while the child genius did.

It wasn't the cause of financial issues either, Sonic had that covered enough. There wasn't anything stopping him either, but his use of his rings would be considered quite careless with how he bought the most useless items or basic necessities like food, which, while the latter was more reasonable, all he did was get junk food and call it a day. His system would most likely be full of it if it wasn't for Tails being concerned about his health and having the decency to cook actual healthy food for him.

In summary, Sonic's home situation was saddening.

But the hedgehog himself didn't care, hell, he thought it was more thrilling to have a life like this. Being able to surround himself with nature's beauty, exploring its various places, going wherever his legs take him, and not having to be limited to one specific location, making every day have something new to offer? That sounded way better than having to pay bills and rent, and no one could do anything to stop him. He was Sonic the Hedgehog, and who could tell the fastest thing alive what to do?

The only thing that posed an issue was whenever he would need to sleep when night came, and various problems, mainly with his physical comfort would arise. Sonic wouldn't have cared if it weren't for the many times he would wake up in the morning only to find some type of bug on him.

Thus, it wasn't the best choice for him to go to sleep in the middle of the forest, not to mention the dangers of a wild animal catching him, which to his surprise, hadn't happened yet. Even if luck was on his side, not even he wanted to test it only to get mauled in his sleep. He still had lots of things he wanted to do while alive, so he found himself needing solutions.

He would consider going to Tails', but he didn't exactly have a room or a bed. Sonic usually found him sleeping at his table in the middle of working on something, and all he would think about was how the poor fox would probably grow up to have back problems.

So... he would simply go over to Shadow's place. Where he found himself standing at the current moment, having unconsciously come over while in thought. No, the black hedgehog never invited him. Yes, he would just break in.

No one was ever around to stop him, and Shadow was never awake when he would invite himself in, so no issue was posed except for the fact that it made Sonic look like a creep.

Why he would do it, who knew? He had no reason. Sonic could easily just ask one of his friends to stay over at their house and sleep, but instead, he would break into Shadow's home. Whether he thought it was funnier, more exciting, or he had some unconscious desire to be closer to the hedgehog, he never thought about it for long enough to consider the reason.

And he probably never will. Why would he? He'll just continue to do it, even while knowing that Shadow is well aware of his visits.

Staring up at the residence that was in a more isolated location from where people would usually be, his head turned back down in front of him as he approached the window, taking a peek inside.

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