
510 13 9

shadow somehow gets cold cuz plot

"Oh!- Shads?"

The blue hedgehog called out, skidding his running to a halt when he found a familiar black hedgehog sitting up against a tree and reading some kind of book. The ebony one groaned and clutched the book in his hands tighter while also leaning closer to it while giving no response to the hedgehog interrupting his peaceful moment, hoping he'd take the hint and go away. But he knew he wouldn't.

"What ya doin' here? Brooding?" Sonic walked up to the hedgehog as he stood before him, his shadow looming over him. "Wait, is that a book? What're you reading, hm?"

"Leave me alone and I'll consider answering that question." Shadow spat out bluntly, his intense gaze on the book's words never faltered once.

"Oh come on, ya wouldn't even have a way to answer me!" Sonic pouted playfully, folding his arms. Quickly, the whiny crybaby act dropped as he tilted his head, tapping his foot against the grass below him as he raised a brow. "Why so grumpy, anyway? You seem a little more agitated than usual."

Shadow sighed, slamming his book shut with his eyes closed and a frustrated look on his face. Sonic wasn't exactly wrong, but truthfully, there was no reason for his agitation. Sometimes he had days where he would wake up in a sour, bitter mood, and the only thing that could take his mind off it was alone time. Or at least it was the only thing he ever considered doing to distract himself.

"I am. That's exactly why I want to be left alone," Shadow said, an irritated tone forming as he opened his eyes again and glared up at the blue hedgehog still looming over him. "What did you even want from me, anyway? Surely you must have a good reason for approaching me out of nowhere."

"Weeelll," The azure hedgehog dragged out, standing straight up again with a hand on his hip. "I was actually looking to invite you over-"

"No." Shadow interrupted, opening his book and reading from where he last left off.

"Wha- Hey! You didn't even let me finish!"

"You know very well that I am not interested in social gatherings and parties." The black hedgehog clicked his tongue, his agitated state seemingly worsening.

"Yeah! I know that already." Sonic frowned, both hands on his hips now. "I wasn't going to invite you to a party or something, I was just wondering if you wanted to go camping with me! As like, you know, a hangout thing?"

Shadow's brows immediately raised in interest, peeking up at the blue hedgehog as he raised one brow in confusion. "...Why are you inviting me? Why not one of your friends?"

"Why not?" Sonic shrugged. "I consider you a bud, ya know. Plus, everyone else is busy! So, you wanna go or not?"

Shadow paused, staring up at the hedgehog with a blank expression. At that moment, the light, yet bothersome headache that seemed to be a side effect of his annoyance was forgotten for a second.

The black hedgehog clicked his tongue and snapped himself out of his thoughts, looking back down at his book. "Fine. I can tolerate this."

"Woo! Thanks, Shads!" The blue hedgehog exclaimed happily, going in for a hug before stopping his movement. The hug turned to a pat on the shoulder, gesturing the ebony hedgehog to follow him before Sonic quickly sped off to a certain direction.

..Shadow simply sighed, closing his book shut and getting up, quickly running after the hedgehog. He guessed that perhaps it wouldn't be so bad.


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