I love you, Oscar Hans Olof Molander

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You walk out of the movie theater, with your boyfriend Chris' arm wrapped around your shoulder. You just saw Unfriended with a group of friends, including Olly.

You've always had a crush on Chris, but you're feelings for Olly were much more than a crush. You loved him.

You've known Olly since the first grade. He's been your best friend for 12 years. And over those 12 years, you developed feelings for him.

You look over at Olly, trying to scare his friend with a huge grin on his face. You couldn't help but let out a giggle. Chris hooked his finger under your chin and turned you head to face him.

"What babe?" He said and pecked you on the lips. "Oh nothing" you reply. He walks you to Olly's car. Olly drives you home because he lives next door.

You say goodbye to Chris and get into the passenger seat of Olly's car. "That was some movie huh?" Olly says and squeezes your hand. "Did you ever get scared? Because I know that I did"

You smile. He wasn't afraid to say that.
You look down at your hands. You quickly let go and say "Yeah, it was pretty freaky." Olly starts to drive. The rest of the ride was silent.

When you got home Olly offered to walk you into your house, you let him. You needed to tell him how you felt, tonight.

When you got inside you asked, "Wanna stay for a while, I need to tell you something."

He nodded in agreement and plopped himself down on your couch. You sat down and he pulled you into a hug.

"Okay Olly, I'm a little nervous about saying this but I just need to. I've known you forever, Olly. And, I like you. More than than I've ever liked Chris. I can break up with him. I want you."

You both look into each other's eyes. Then Olly places his lips on yours. He doesn't stick his tongue down your throat or rip off your shirt, he just kisses you. and it was the best feeling ever.

"I want you too, y/n" he whispers, his breath tickling your ear. Then he breaks out into a smile. He picks you up bridal style and spins you around. You laugh hysterically as he drops you down carefully on the couch.

He sits down next to you and you climb onto his lap. You whisper into his ear "I love you, Oscar Hans Olof Molander"
He grins and whispers back "I love you, y/n" You kiss him lightly, like he had done before. He smiled in the kiss.
You pull away.

"Come on" You say and grab his hand.
You pull him upstairs to your room.
He follows. Once you're there you pull out some movies and ask him what he wants to watch. He chooses a movie then you put it in.

You both get in bed and he wraps his arm around you and kisses your head.
*skip during the movie because all they do is watch*

Once the movie ends you turn off the tv and lay down with Olly. You bury your head into Olly's chest and he wraps his arms around you. "Goodnight princess"
he says and you both fall asleep.

You awaken to the door swinging open.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING SLEEPING WITH THIS DIRTBAG!" Chris yells and Olly quickly gets up to defend himself and you. Chris punches Olly in the face causing his nose to bleed.

"Chris I was gonna tell you today, but I wanna break up, I love Olly!" He pins you to the wall. "YOU ARE NOT BREAKING UP WITH ME FOR HIM"
Chris presses his mouth onto yours, but not like Olly. But before anything could happen, Olly slaps Chris on the head.

Olly screams. "STAY OUT OF IT" Chris yells pushes Olly into my dresser, and he became unconscious. Then a mirror fell and shattered all over him, causing there to be red marks all over his skin

"OLLY!" you scream and run to him, sobbing. You call 911 and tell them what happened. It was good that you acted quick because Chris threw your phone out the window. Then he pushed you onto your bed and pulled your shirt off while kissing your neck. "STOP" You screech, just in time too because the police burst inside your room and took Chris.

You quickly put your shirt on and ran to Olly, bawling into his chest. Then he is brought into the ambulance, and you take a seat in the back.


You're sitting in the hospital room, waiting for Olly to wake up. Chris was arrested, so at least you won't have to worry about him. Then you see his eyes slowly open. "Olly!" You scream as a smile spreads across your face. Its not long before Olly starts grinning. You run up to him and kiss him.

You were so happy to know that he was ok. He moves over and pats the spot on the hospital bed next to him. You lay down next to him, even though it is a little tight. You hug him and hold him close as you whispered "I love you Oscar Hans Olof Molander"

He laughs and whispers back, "I love you, y/n"


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