The Boy at McDonalds-Olly

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"Oh my gosh! I can't eat here, the food will make me fat!" Your friend Addy joked as you waiting in line for McDonalds. You laughs as you decide what you want off of the menu.

You decide on just a burger and fries. "May I take your order?"  You looked up and saw the cashier. He had brunette-blondish hair that swept backwards, a huge smile that could kill.  You saw his name tag said 'Olly', you liked that name.

"Are you ok?" Olly asked and brought you back to Earth. "Yeah I'm fine" you say as Olly chuckles. You order your food and waiting for it to come.

As you're eating you're burger, you notice a note written on the wrapper. It said: "looks like you couldn't get enough of 'all this', I'd love to get to know you better. Come here after closing, I'll let you in" You squealed on the inside as you stuffed the wrapper in your pocket.

That night after closing

I walked up to the entrance and McDonalds and saw Olly. He came running up to the door. As you held your hand out to shake his he pushed it down and pulled you into hug.

"You came!" Exclaimed as he turned on  the lights. "You bet I did" you laughed as you took a seat with Olly.

"So what's your name?" Olly asked. "It's y/n" you reply. "I'm Olly" You laugh at his comment because you already know what his name is. "I know" You said and pointed at his name tag.

After that, you guys talked for hours. Turns out, he's in a small band with his friends Felix, Oscar, and Omar. And his real name is Oscar. You told him all about yourself too.

By the time it was midnight, Olly said, "I think we should get going, but I can tell that we're gonna be great friends!" He hugged you again. Friends? Great. "Ok bye!" You wave and walk out the door.

Being "just friends" with Olly turned out being the best thing the ever happened to you. You also became close with his other friends. When there band got bigger, you went on tour with them, and stuck with them throughout there careers and supported them.

You'll never forget the day, where you met the boy at McDonalds.

The Fooo Conspiracy Imagines and PreferencesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz