25. Destructive Mode Activated

Start from the beginning

Not that the midget motherfucker got too much more time to keep rhyming, cause his jaw legit drops and his eyes get wide as hell when he sees me.

"Yo, what the..." Ja says.

Just as somebody from his entourage hits one of the controls on the soundboard, pausing the beat.

And all of a sudden it's dead silent up in this bitch.

I stare at Ja, and he attempts to stare back at me, but his gaze keeps shifting all over the place.

"Fuck you doing here, Em?" He finally manages to croak out.

Whichever other assholes that are a part of his crew just standing back and watching.

"Yo, did you get Aurora beat up that time?" I very calmly ask, making my way further into the room and crossing it in two large strides. I grab the door handle for the booth, but it won't turn.

"Fuck is it to you, cracker?" Ja croaks, so I just laugh.

"Open this fucking door, dawg. I just wanna talk," I state with a smirk on my face.

"Ay, why don't you get the fuck out now, Em?" Ja Rule then suggests to me, adjusting the bandana on his head as I look around.

All his boys just stand there and watch, and it funny as shit to me.

Without saying shit else, I pick up one of the empty chairs and throw it at the booth, shattering the glass instantly as it hits it.

Watching Ja jump back. I then make my way through the now open space to me, grab the fucker up and start punching him.

And like I said before, I ain't even know why I'm this mad.

Aurora is just... some chick I spend time with. She ain't nothing to me.

But still, this motherfucker right here? He ain't had no right to do what he did. And I still can't believe he did her like that, and it was all cause of me?! Cause of that stunt I pulled? Nah man, fuck this..

Ja and I fight, and I swear to God, man, I was about to kill him.

He coughs a few times, spitting out blood, and I just keep punching him.

I wanna murder him at this point, cause I'm sick and tired of him dissing all of the women that's important to me, even Aurora, nah, fuck that. He needs to be taught a valuable lesson, and the shit feels good as fuck.

There's a certain part of me that's a little happier when I'm angry. When I'm in a destructive mode, and I just don't give a fuck no more. Something about it brings me peace.

And beating this asshole to the pulp just now, it sure as fuck gave me peace.

And I would've killed him for sure.

If his boys didn't decide to all of a sudden jump in.

And that's where it finally hits me that I legit stepped into my enemy's territory with no backup.

All of Ja's bitch ass Murder Inc entourage then jump me, and they drag me off the fucker, proceeding to all start pouncing on me.

And I can't even lie, they did whoop my ass.

Just cause it was so many of them. Shit wasn't even a fair fight. Still, I had punched at least three or four of them out before they finally forced my body to the ground.

"You think you tough, Em?" Irv gotti asks me, hovering over me, as I force myself to prop up against a wall. Cause no way in hell I'm laying down while they all gather over me like that.

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