Ghosts of our Past

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"Check mate...I win again" Hange said triumphantly.

Armin let out a small laugh and shook his head. "Even after a near death experience you haven't lost your wits have you?"

"You almost had maybe there is something about being burned to a crisp that makes us great chess players"

Armin winced a bit.

Hange's face softened. "Oh Armin...I'm sorry I didn't mean..."

He shook his head. "It's for another game?"

"Yes please!" Hange said enthusiastically.

"Sorry Ms. Zoe..." Imani said as she came into the room. "It's time for your skin treatment."

"Just one more game?"

Nurse Imani gave Hange a look. "Sorry Ms. Zoe but the chess match will have to wait. The doctor is waiting"

" win" Hange said with mock exasperation. "Another time Armin."

Armin packed up the chess set letting out a small yawn.

"Late night...perhaps with a certain young lady" Imani teased.

Armin went a bit quiet and put on his jacket. "Something like that" he said flatly. "Have a good afternoon ladies"

Once Armin was out of the hospital room. Imani looked to Hange. "Did I say something wrong?"

Hange let out a soft sigh. "No...I mean you had know way of knowing and honestly I only know what Levi has told me..."

"Knowing what?" Imani asked as she helped Hange out of bed.

"How much do you know about Armin and how he came to be the Colossal or well I guess was the colossal Titan."

"I know the basics, it has to be an Eldian right? You consume the former titan shifter which were usually those kids from Marley, but something tells me Armin wasn't a typical case"

"Well you'd be right about that...I'm not sure if Onyonkapon ever told you about a young man or well in all reality still a child named Bertholdt Hoover..."

"Can't say I've heard the name...who was he?"

Hange's shoulders slumped as they walked to the treatment room. "Honestly just a poor kid who was pulled into a war he wanted nothing to do with...lost his life for a cause he didn't care about."

"That seems to be pretty common" Imani said.


"Ah Ms. Zoe so glad you decided to join us" the doctor said with a bit of annoyance.

"I'll finish my tragic tale later" Hange said.

Imani stood at the the nurses station trying to fill out some paperwork. However, she found herself being unable to focus. She couldn't let go of Hange's words.

Did Onyonkapon have a tragic story to tell?

She had never thought about the things Onyonkapon didn't tell her. About his time with the Marley Navy after they were parted.

"Maybe he doesn't want to tell me." With that thought Imani felt a bit disheartened. Maybe they weren't as close as she thought.

She moved on to the next chart, but soon her world went black.

"What the-"

"Guess who?" asked a familiar voice.

Imani turned to see Onyonkapon grinning at her.

"You scared me...I'm more jumpier than I used to be." She said placing a hand on her chest, her heart beating a bit faster than before.

"Onyonkapon seems to be unaware of the effects the Rumbling has had on people" Levi said as he came up to pair.

"Good to see you walking more Mr. Ackerman." She said cheerfully.

"It seems that Levi has found more motivation in life." Onyonkapon said with a wink.

"Speaking of which, Hange in her room?" Levi asked.

Imani shook her head. "She's currently receiving her weekly skin treatment. But you can wait for her in her room. I'm sure she will be happy to see you. She's not the biggest fan of Doctor Mitchell."

Levi let out a small chuckle. "Thank you Ms. Timmons"

Imani watched as he slowly walked away, his can making a soft thud on the floor.

"Um Mr. Ackerman..."

He turned, "yes Ms. Timmons"

"Do you know anything about a Bertholdt Hoover? Armin seemed upset this afternoon when I mentioned that young lady he spends a lot of time with...what's her name again?"

"Annie" Onyonkapon answered.

Levi let out a slight snort. "Doesn't surprise me. Maybe Armin saw her for what she really was, or Mr. Hoover's hold over Armin has finally dissipated."

"What does that mean?"

Levi's face went a bit cold, "with all due respect Ms. Timmons that's not something I want to go into detail about, especially anything regarding Ms. Leonhart. Onyonkapon can probably answer your questions if you are so inclined. Have a good day"

Levi disappeared around the corner, the soft thud of his cane growing fainter and fainter.

Imani let out a groan. "I seem to be saying the wrong thing to everyone today."

Onyonkapon took her hand, giving her a warm smile. "You haven't said the wrong thing to me yet."

"Just give it time" she said with a laugh.

"Well you could say the wrong thing to me, by saying no"

"No to what?"

"Well, I was hoping you would do me the honor of having dinner and drinks with me tonight?"

Imani felt her heart beating faster, the blush slowly rising in her cheeks.

"I'd love to."

When Imani brought Hange back to her room, she was delighted to see Levi sitting in a chair by the window.

He had a book open, but was in a light sleep with him head against the window.

"He's kind of cute when he's asleep isn't he" Hange said quietly.

Imani smiled, "he sure is handsome...although I think I might have said something that rubbed him the wrong way."

"I wouldn't worry about it, Levi can get irritated if you look at him funny" Hange said trying not to laugh. "I was the only one in the Corps who was allowed to tease him"

"He must really love you."

Hange just looked at Levi, watching his doze.

"He seemed to get angry when I mention Annie Leonhart."

Hange looked back at Imani. "Why did you ask him about her?"

"Well I originally asked about Bertholdt and it kind of came up." She replied.

Hange let out a soft sigh as she eased herself into the chair next to Levi.

"Imani there's a lot about Levi and honestly myself and our past that..."

"It's ok, I get it. We all have our ghosts that haunt us." Imani said, finding her mind wandering back to her friends and family from her hometown.

"But on a brighter note" Hange said. "I heard that you have a date!"

To be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06 ⏰

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