That Night

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*TW: Violence

Imani was sheltered in the hospital where she worked. She was holding two children close to her, hoping her decision to go underground had been the right one.


Ever since she was a child Imani Timmons knew she always wanted to help people, to make people well again.

She never imagined she would be in the belly of the beast at the age of 21. The sky had turned red, the ground shook, birds fled.

Imani had heard stories about titans and island devils, mostly from a boisterous boy in her school but she never paid no mind to it.

"Sounds like some sort of story meant to scare children" she would said confidently, but still had that seed of doubt in her mind.

The seed had grown into a full forest. She had read the papers about the growing might of Marley, and their use of the nine titans to expand their power.

The pictures were frighting, and she hoped that war never came to her homeland.


They came at night. Imani was only 18 when the air raid sirens went off. She woke from her bed in the girls dormitories of the nurse school as many of her fellow classmates made their ways into the halls for what they thought was a drill.

"It's too late for an air raid drill tonight" Naomi said yawing.

"Didn't we just have a drill last week" her other roommate said.

"Cass maybe-"

Imani was cut off as the building shook and a brilliant flash lit up the sky.

The girls were thrown to the floor. Another loud boom shook the building, breaking out a few windows."

"I don't think this is a drill Cass" Imani said getting up her ears ringing.

They heard the sound of planes flying overheard.

"Girls!! Get to the shelters! They've finally come for us!" Their house mother came running down the hall in her night gown.

But all Imani could think about was her parents and her little brother. "They won't make it through the bombing in that house"

"All right girls let's go, orderly fashion."

Imani turned the other way as Naomi grabbed her hand. "Where are you going?"

She tried to tug her arm free but Naomi had a tight grip. "I have to get to my family!!!"

"Imani that's suicide!"

"I don't care let me go!!"

Naomi looked at her for a moment. "Fine but I'm coming with you!"

"No you-"

"Either we both go or me and the girls drag you to the shelter"

Before Imani could answer Cass and their other roommate Maggie stood behind Naomi. "We're coming too! You can't go out there alone"

Another bomb dropped, the sky was starting to glow red outside.

"We need to hurry!"


The smell of smoke filled the girls nostrils.

"Oh my god..." Cass said in horror.

Several buildings were already collapsed, others on the verge. There were fires popping up around them, and the sounds of the anguished screams pierced the night sky.

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