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*so this is based off a comic by the original artist where Hange is found barely alive.*

It felt like Imani hadn't slept for months. At this point she wasn't even sure why she bothered living in the makeshift housing.

"I might as well just live at the hospital" she would joke.

The days following the Rumbling were chaotic at best. Imani was reluctant to trust the soldiers. Their dirty Marley uniforms brought back painful memories for her.

It was an odd thing to see the sun and blue sky in contrast to the flattened earth beneath it. The bodies around them...the blood.

More soldiers began to show up at the destroyed hospital.

"Do you you think he really destroyed the everything?" One asked another.

The other soldier shook his head. "Given the amount of survivors at Fort Salva I would say a small amount of humanity survived"

"And Attack Titan "


Imani looked at the two soldiers. "Are you saying that one titan was responsible for all of this, I saw a wall coming at us"

"Those titans were being led by the Attack Titan"

A chill went down her spine. "One person was able to do all of this" she whispered. She imagined the massive titans destroying everything thinking there path.

A child's wailing brought her back to the present. She looked the see a soldier trying to get Julie to look away but it was too late.

"Oh Julie...honey" Imani pulled the small child close to her.

"I want my momma" she cried.

Imani had to fight back tears, she didn't have the heart to tell the girl her mom was most likely dead.

Imani turned back to the now small group of Marley soldiers.

"I hope you're all satisfied...all of these years, trampling on everything you thought was yours! Now look! It's all gone everything, everyone. I knew one day Eldia would fight back...but..."

Imani fell to her knees and sobbed.

For days and days Imani asked about Onyonkapon. She would be met with blanks stares, "I don't knows", and "probably dead lady".

She wrote to him every night, but didn't have anywhere to send the letters.

It was easy to forget about him when she was working. She threw herself into her work. She didn't want to treat any Marley citizens or soldiers at first.

But it soon dawned on her that she was no better than the people she despised. That as a nurse it was her job to help people no matter where they were from. Eldian blood and Marlean blood were the same color.

Two months had passed.

Imani was finishing up changing the bandages of a patient when her roommate and fellow nurse burst into the door.

"Alana! Don't you know how to knock? You nearly gave me a heart attack."

"I'm sorry but it's important! The hospital received an telegram...for's from Onyonkapon!"

Imani dropped the tray of dirty bandages.

"He's alive!"

As the ship sailed across the small channel that connected the small province of Himja to what was left of Libero, Imani re-read the telegram.

Victims of Marley: The Story of Imani Timmons Where stories live. Discover now