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"Pieck you don't really need to make such a fuss over me" Hange said.

"Nonsense, it's the least I can do since I never let you ride my back as the cart" Pieck said as she brushed out Hange's brown hair.

"Levi must be so relieved that you're alive...he was a mess after the war."


Pieck nodded putting a bit of blush on Hange. "To give you color."

"He didn't let it show but after the Rumbling he just locked himself in his room. Onyonkapon says he's writing something, maybe his life story or something."

Hange felt a pang of sadness.

"There, already to see Levi nervous?"

"If I'm honest...I feel kinda giddy like I'm a young girl again" Hange said with a small laugh.

Pieck smiled. "I get like that when Porco says...said my name"

Her smile faded a bit.

Hange gently grabbed Pieck's hand. "I'm sorry about Porco..."

"At least he died saving Falco...I think that's admirable"

"It certainly is"

The car made its way down the street. Onyonkapon and Levi sat in the back seat.


"Just a tad, are you sure she will still remember me?"

"Levi, she asked for you, it was one of the first things she said when she came to."

Levi let out the breath he had been holding in.

"What if she's...I mean I'm not the man I used to be."

"Levi, she loved when you bloody and near death, I don't a bum leg and scars are going to change that. But as I said, Hange was burned pretty bad so..."

"I don't care. She was beautiful with four eyes, two eyes, then one."

Onyonkapon decided to leave it at that.

"So Ms. Timmons...she's a nice young woman." Levi said looking out the window.

Onyonkapon felt the butterflies rise in his stomach at the mention of Imani.

"Yes sir, she's quite something. Talent nurse, brave, kind hearted....beautiful"

Onyankopon didn't see Levi smile a bit. "It's nice to see young love blooming after so many years of hatred" he though.

"She didn't hesitate to treat patients from Marley after the Rumbling...despite what they did to our home town"

Levi turned to Onyonkapon. "Your home town?"

"I never really told anyone on Paradis about where I'm from or what really led me being forced into the Marley military...not really something I like to think about."

A silence fell over the back seat of the car.

After a few moments Levi broke the silence.

"You know I didn't join the Survey Corps by choice..."

Onyonkapon raised an eyebrow. "Well how about that humanity's strongest was a conscript...when we have more time you'll have to tell me the story...I'm guessing that's where you met Hange."

Levi nodded. "She was the first person in the Corps to show me any kindness."

Onyonkapon smiled, "Sounds like Hange."

Victims of Marley: The Story of Imani Timmons Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ