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"To be honest Onyonkapon I'm a bit nervous to meet this Captain Levi"

Onyonkapon let out a hearty laugh that made Imani's heart flutter a bit.

"I know you've heard stories from the others but he's really not that intimidating even before he was in the wheelchair"

"He can't walk anymore?"

"He can just limited, something about an ankle injury a while back, then I told you about the thunderspear. Something about the curse of Ymir being lifted has changed him...not to mention he's lost almost everyone he's ever cared about."

"I know how that feels" she murmured. "Sometimes I have a hard time feeling any empathy for Marley...the spent years and years terrorizing the world, hurting innocent people all for the sake of power..."

They turned a corner down a quiet street.

"You feel like they kinda got what was coming to them" Onyonkapon said.

"Does that make me a bad person?"

Onyonkapon shook his head, "I think it makes you human Imani...well here we are"

Onyonkapon stopped in front of a small home pulling a key out.

He let out a chuckle. "I just realized this is the first time I am having you over...not the way I imagined it"

"Well how did you imagine it?"

They walked into the front door.

"Mr. Ackerman I've brought a guest over" he called up the stairs. He turned back to Imani.

"Well first I would be dressed a bit nicer, have a some tea set out for us, maybe a fire if it's cold out...might make you dinner"

"Tidy the place up a bit" a flat voice said.

Imani looked to see a tired looking man easing his was down the stairs with a cane. Imani was taken a back a bit.

Based on what she had been told, this was "humanity's strongest", but she was finding that hard to believe.

"Try not to look at his left hand" Onyonkapon whispered.

"Levi, I want to introduce you to someone...a special friend...Imani Timmons"

Levi made it to the bottom stair and made his way to the kitchen.

"Do you have a preference of tea leaves Ms. Timmons?" He asked.

"No sir whatever you have on hand is fine...would you like some he-ow"

Onyonkapon hand gently elbowed her in the arm. She looked at him as he was shaking his head.

Even in his older age Levi still took pride in his independence.

They came into the kitchen as Levi was putting a kettle on the stove.

"Please have a seat, I apologize for the mess. I don't get to clean as often as I would like, and it seems like your special friend has an adverse reaction every time he touches a broom"

Imani giggled a bit. Even as a boy he wasn't very tidy.

Onyonkapon pulled out a chair for her and then sat himself.

"Been keeping busy today Levi?"

"Just writing, Mr. Kirschtein came by earlier, wanted those Eastern tea leaves again, for Connie"

A sad look crossed Onyonkapon's face, "Connie's still drinking pretty heavily?"

"Seems so. But who can blame him...I know how he feels..." reached up to touch his scarred eye. "To lose your other half"

Victims of Marley: The Story of Imani Timmons Where stories live. Discover now