Mr.Aizawa then sighed.

He made his way to his coffee machine and poured some coffee in two mugs, " You know problem child...". He proceeded to hand me one of the mugs, " You know I don't believe you... I mean is it possible that this is actually only because of training and that you're just tired", he asked with a worried tone, as he started sipping on his coffee.

" What do you mean?"

He put his mug down gently on his desk. "You know exactly what I mean.", He sighed and then he continued. " As I said last time, you have been acting really strange lately. You have been either showing up late to class, not paying attention to lessons. I've also noticed your eyebags have gotten bigger, at this point they may be even bigger than mine.... I also asked you on Friday to come to meet me at my office so we can further explain what's been happening to you and you didn't show up", he said.

I didn't know how to respond to him at that point... though, to be frank, a part of me still kinda wished that he didn't mention me not showing up on friday, because I would probably have to explain.

I stiffened on my sofa and my already shaken up hands started clutching my hair, well, one of my hands. With that same hand, I started aggressively scratching my sculp.

I just didn't wanna be here...

I wanted to go away....

To go to my room and just sleep all day, not thinking about anything.

But... then again...

These days I'm not even able to sleep good, either way.

Mr.Aizawa took notice of me aggressively scratching my head and came up to me again. " PROBLEM CHILD, WHAT ARE YOU DOING!", he shouted.

I didn't stop scratching my sculp, though. I was zoned out at that point, and I wasn't really paying attention to what i wad doing.

Mr.Aizawa realised that I was zoned out and he took my hand. When he grabbed my hand, my sense came back to me and I realised what I just did.

Some strands of my green hair were on my hand and I started to panic.


Now I have to explain why I was doing that to myself!

After a few seconds, tears started coming down my eyes from all the frustration and stress I was in, followed by  shortness of breaths.

Mr.Aizawa soon enough realised that I was having a panic attack and was instructing me on what to do.

" Ok, take deep breaths with me", he said.

I followed on what Mr.Aizawa was doing and my breathing and heartbeat returned to a normal speed again.

I rubbed my tears from my eyes and looked at sensei's face which was filled with concern.

He knew that I didn't wanna talk about what's wrong.

Yet...after a few minutes he started asking me questions again.

" Why didn't you show up last Friday?", he asked taking another sip from his coffee.

" I-I forgot.... I'm sorry...", I lied, biting my lip.

He looked at me for a few seconds. He definitely knew I was lying, but he decided to let it slide.

With a worried tone he said, " Midoriya..."

I looked up to face him again, worried about what he'll ask me next," yes?"

" Do you know why you were having a panic attack?", he asked while arranging his scarf, which was wrapped around his neck.

I nervously took a sip of my coffee, quickly thinking on what lie I should say next. " Maybe, it's because of stress?"

He finished arranging his scarf and took a good look at me, his eyes slightly narrowed and his lips frowned. " Are you feeling stressed because of training and hw... and just school in general."

I paused for a bit while thinking on how to answer next, " y-yes."

There was a quiet silence between us before I decided to talk again. " b-but, I'm fine! I'm managing it just fine", I say while frantically moving my hands.

" Well, it certainly does not look like you're managing it well to me.... you were just having a panic attack just now, problem child!", he said while raising his voice a little.

There was another short silence between us but it was immediately cut off my sensei's sigh.

" Listen... i know that you don't wanna talk to me about what's happening to you right now, but please.... try to at least consider to tell me or any of the teacher's... I'm worried about you... ALL might's worried about you even your classmates.", he took a breather and continued on talking." Ever since you started acting weird your classmates were asking about you... wanting to know if you're okay. Specifically, Uraraka, Todoroki and surprisingly even Bakugo."

My eye's widened a bit.

Do they really care? No... they don't. As I said... they're just faking.

Soon later, Mr.Aizawa let me go and I went back to the lesson that I was supposed to have.

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