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a new chapter is readyy!

read, vote, comment and enjoy!!


When we arrived home, it was quiet. It was still. As if an illusion was placed, a spell was placed over the house.

Kieran unlocked the door to reveal Wilson standing in the middle of the room still as a statue, face emotionless as ever.

At the sight of me, his eyes narrowed, and there was a hint of anger in his eyes. He stepped closer to me, until he was a few inches away. He sharply moved his head sideways to Kieran, who gave me an apologetic look before leaving.

Wilson stayed silent, just staring at me with those harsh eyes, piercing into my soul, or what was left of it.

After a few seconds, he finally spoke.

"What were you thinking?" His voice was sharp and clipped. "What if someone kidnapped you? What if someone wasn't looking where they were going and ran over you? Someone could've done something to you. You could've been raped, drugged, kidnapped, killed."

"So tell me, what was so important to you that you ran away?" His voice turned icey.

I couldn't answer back. I knew I couldn't. I was so sure that if I tried to lie at that moment, he would know. And I was determined to not let anyone know.

"Very well." He crossed his arms, coolly speaking.

"Romero! Elijah! Give me her phone and her laptop!"

The twins were heard running, my door opened, and soon they came with said items in their hands.

"Good." He took it.

"You will not be getting your phone or laptop in a week's time."

"Okay." I nodded, understanding. It made sense. But at least it wasn't a physical punishment. Even though I didn't receive any for a week or two, my body was losing its strength through all the running.

"If I have to go to the doctors tomorrow, can I at least have a female doctor?"

I didn't want a doctor at all, whether female or male. I couldn't trust either one. But a female doctor was slightly better than a male doctor.

"Of course." Wilson nodded. "You can sleep now."

Yeah sure.

I numbly walked to my room, aware of the glances between the twins, and their hushed whispering.

I fixed my bed and was about to stare at the ceiling,before turning to my side, aware of my heart quivering, tearing up.

I hushed it, trying to soothe it. Don't worry, I'll keep you safe. You're protected, well protected. Don't worry. I promise.


I looked up to see Kieran walk inside the room, his eyes back to its normal doting gentle self. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." No

"Hmm," he hummed. "You should get some sleep. I'll see you tomorrow."

He was about to leave, when I stopped him. "Kieran."

"Yes, sweetheart?"


I wanted to hug him, I wanted to feel his love embrace me, wrap me and protect me from everything. Just some reassurance, some sort of comfort.

I pushed those desires away, reminding myself to not give in.

"Are all of you coming with me to the doctors, or is it only one of you?"

"Romero and Elijah are supposed to go with you. Wilson's busy with work."

"Can you come with me instead? Please."

Romero and Elijah wouldn't care about me. They would just report everything to Wilson. But I knew Kieran, despite those words, he really did care.

Kieran's eyes softened, a loving smile graced his face, as he sat down on my bed, replying, "Of course sweetheart."

"Now let's tuck you in." He motioned for me to get back in, and I did.

He tucked the blanket around me with such care, reminding me of my dreams of having someone to tuck me in, with such love. "Goodnight my little Em."

After he left, I could feel pain, agony wash over my heart. I felt something like tears wanting to let free. I pinched myself, stopping myself.

This is what I could have had if my mother didn't kidnap me. I could've had the love I was deprived of.

Why me? Just why?

Oh gods, I was becoming soft. Despite what Wilson did, it was Kieran who was slowly melting my walls, softening the rough parts of me.

I wonder how life was when I was younger, how much love I was showered with when I was just a baby.

It was all her fault. It would always be.

* * *

Kieran came inside, gently patting me on the shoulder. "Wake up, Em. Time to go to the doctors."

I turned around, rubbing my eyes, pretending I slept, when really I was up worrying and coming up with plans in case anything went wrong. The biggest question was how was I going to prevent the doctor from seeing any scars or wounds. Even then, if she saw it, she would want to say something to my brothers.

I cleaned up and dressed in a sweatshirt with jeans. When I was younger, my mother would take me to the doctors office often. But to cover the bruises, the scars, everything, my mother would cover me in some sort of material that looked like human skin. It would look like I had no injuries, like I was perfectly fine. And my mother would take me to high ranking, like the best of doctors. They believed it.

I would often steal some bits when my mother was busy or wasn't at home. I used it to cover my skin as best as I could. I stuck it to my skin as best as I could, making sure it wouldn't fall off.

Kieran was ready downstairs. After I ate cereal, Wilson saw us go off, reminding Kieran of something.

This time, Kieran didn't speak on the way to the hospital. We arrived in front of a large white pristine building with steps leading to the door and ramps to the side. Kieran went inside, stopping in front of the desk, with me right behind him.

"Hello, how can I help you?" The front lady gave a courteous smile.

"My little sister has an appointment at 1 pm. Her name is Emmaline Black." At my last name, the lady sat up straight, a hint of nervousness in her eyes.

"Of course, let me just get this ready for you."

A few seconds later, she spoke with an apprehensive smile. "Alright, we have Doctor Elaine ready. It's room 232."

Fuck, fuck, fuck. I could feel my heart racing, my hands trembling.

I had to be in control. I breathed in and out, demanding my nerves to calm down, stilling my hands, as we walked down the hall inside the room, where my fate would be decided. 


how was it? thoughts? 

if you enjoyed it, vote and comment!

the OGs know that wilson had an extra punishment, but i took it out because it was stupid. 

till next time!

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