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TW: explicit physical sexual harassment


I was going to run home, when a honk interrupted me. I looked up to see Kieran in the front seat, giving me a cheery smile.

Girls immediately gasped, surrounding me, asking me if that was Kieran, and if I could talk to him about them.

I made a face, like the face that Suga makes when he didn't like something or like when he doesn't want to do something, where he scrunches his nose up.

As soon as I did that, Kieran took one look at me, and started laughing, eyes filled with light, crinkles by his eyes, as if it really was funny to him.

The girls besides me swooned and started chattering to each other. I eventually walked inside the car and sat down, making sure to scroll up the window to not see any more of the dramatics, making Kieran laugh again.

"Oh, wow, thanks for the laugh Emmaline. Your face when you did that, you looked so cute, so adorable!" He cooed.

"But I'm not cute!" I crossed my arms, feeling a pout.

And maybe I did let myself pout this once, just this once, to let myself feel like a normal teenager.

He turned around to see me pouting. He gasped, before taking a picture with his phone, without even telling me.

"Hey! Why did you take a picture!"

"You look so adorable! How could I not have a picture?"

There was such sincerity in his eyes, in his smile, that for some reason I couldn't believe the words he said before. The sincerity I saw was the type you couldn't fake, it was a reflection of the heart.

It reminded me of how much life had changed in this one week. My heart, fulfilled by kindness and affection, was steadily gaining strength, and my mind was slowly accepting it. My heart which I sheltered and protected so much, which cried so much, was finally being taken care of.

It was so challenging. My heart would do mini dances instead of keeping to the corner. My heart was pushing forth to make me smile, to make me go along with my brothers, to act like I was a normal teenager with four older brothers.

But my mind was saying no. How could I ever be normal with such a past and its proof on me?

I couldn't come up with an answer, so I resorted to looking out the window, occasionally replying to Kieran.

When we came home, Wilson was there too. He must've ended work early because he wasn't wearing his suit. He was wearing a grey shirt with black joggers. He was on his phone, but he looked up to see me and Kieran.

"Hello Emmaline. How was your day?"

"It was good." I closed the door behind me.

"Did anything happen?"

Like how my teacher was literally going to rape me if I didn't run?

My heart was pushing and fighting against its walls, wanting to run to their embraces and to cry, seeking their warmth and love.

But my mind was steadfast in its decision, so I didn't mention it.

"I had a pop quiz for biology. Our partners graded it and I got a full score!" Some pride creeped into my voice.

"Ooh! Congratulations piccolina!" Kieran ruffled my hair, once again making my heart happy with joy, seeming to accept Kieran.


"Little one." Wilson translated, a small smile on his face.

"I'm not little though!" I looked up at Kieran, once again pouting.

"Oh my gosh!" Kieran squealed. "You're so adorable. I just want to hug you forever."

"Oh, that reminds me!" He suddenly had a devious smile on his face, whipping out his phone.

"NO!" I tried to grab his arm, to stop him.

Damn it Mother, why couldn't you have fed me properly?

"Look!" He showed the picture to Wilson, who laughed joyously at it. He had a soft look in his eyes, mentioning how I was cute.

"I'm going to my room!" I ran up the stairs, avoiding the terror two who just came home, demanding to see what was the fuss.

It was during my shower that the day's events played on me, that I suddenly realized what had happened.

WARNING: explicit physical sexual harassment

He was playing with the hem of my underwear, saliva dripping from his mouth. One of his hands traveled under my sweater, finding his way to my breasts, touching them.

His other hand separated my legs, putting a hand in between me and doing something I did not want to register in my mind. He took his hand  out and his finger was covered in something slick. 

He sucked his fingers, groaning, as he pumped his fingers in his mouth. He slowly pulled his pants off, pumping his penis, squeezing his balls, until it was up and hard. 

mature scene over

I shook my head from that, aware of the numbness filling me once again. I scrubbed myself raw, wanting to get rid of every trace of him, but instead I made myself bleed once again.

I cleaned up the blood, and fixed myself up once again. It was a routine I had to get used to.

I dressed up in a black shirt with black joggers. And I proceeded to do my homework, not caring if my stomach was grumbling, or if my heart was pounding on its walls, or to the demons who wanted to take control.

I reverted to the empty shell of a person I once was. 


it's a bit hard to manage the length of chapters full of scenes like this because i need to water it down. 

but besides that, vote and comment!

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