Chapter 46

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"I specifically recall telling you not to anger the old wolf for a while. Damn it, Ransom! It hasn't even been a month. Are you a masochist? Do enjoy the pain?" I rant at the miniature version of my sperm donor. His golden blonde hair and vibrant blue are just like Gerhardt's. I should hate the kid, but I'm afraid for him.

It's not only physical torture the old wolf administers, but psychological as well. Then again...the kid isn't like me. I'm sociopathic thanks to the decades of abuse at the hands of that man including watching him kill my mother, that was the catalyst. That was when I began to cut off my emotions so that I became just as emotionless as him.

I would be if it weren't for the other men I know call my husbands. I compartmentalize my emotions about a lot of things, for example killing. I can kill without remorse, however, I cannot bear for any of my family to suffer. That now includes this boy, it seems.

I'm driving the kid back to my home after picking him up from Fuchs Manor. His arm is broken so call Dr. Mathers and his new registered nurse, Rory Beadu to meet me at the ranch. I can't take him to the hospital, they ask too many questions.

If left the Gerhardt the child would heal on his own, slowly and painfully. My arm has a slight bulge to it where it healed incorrectly since he couldn't be bothered to take me to the hospital. This is why I have a private doctor on staff.

"Uncle Tee, what's a masochist?" Eight-year-old Sawyer Lily Hughs queries. She is nine now. She did have a birthday a few days ago. She is just three years younger than Ransom and his friends.

Ransom snickers.

I could throttle that boy, but looking at his bruised face and broken arm I know I would never hurt this child. It doesn't matter that we aren't blood-related, I already think of him as the younger brother I've always wanted. Some part of me must have known about his existence.

Ransom gives her a bloody grin, not wincing from the pain of moving his swollen face. "I enjoy being in pain. When some hurt me, it's fun."

Sawyer's brown eyes widen and she fiddles with the strings of the hole at the knee of her jeans. "Storm, JT, and Jensen don't like it when I get hurt," she murmurs.

"Eh! Who be dem? Is Uncle Tee gonna have ta have a talkin' wit dese boys, ma cherub?" Tee questions, looking in the rearview at her. He is driving since we are in his new pickup, I bought him as a wedding gift.

Tee and I arrived at the airport to up his niece when Ransom called. We collected her and then the boy.

"Dey my ma friends, Uncle Tee. Ma best friends. Deys older than me by three years. Bout dis boy's age. Jensen is da older brudder to Carmen, my VBFF." She informs with insolence. She reminds me of Ali. My wife is going to love having her with us this summer.

"VBFF?" Tee questions confused

"Very best friend forever, duh," she snarks with a toss of her brown hair.

I smile at him. "Is she starting to remind you of anyone?"

"I be cursed, me. Cursed with dos I love bein full o' sass." I arch a brow at him. Tee graces me with an indolent grin. "Don't think I don't know dat bout you. You don't show it often, but you can be disrespectful to dose dat ain't family. You down your nose others and will say thangs ta others dat cut sharp dan a knife." When he puts it that way...he is correct.

"It must run in the family, then. I live to piss off that old fart," Ransom utters proudly.

"I couldn't agree more, me," Tee proclaims, and I nod my head in agreement.

Ransom groans in pain. It must be too much for his malnourished boy. I open the glove compartment, removing a leather pouch with my initials. I find my vial of ketorolac along with a needle and syringe. I pulled the appropriate dose for Ransom based on his weight.

"Pull over so I can administer this to help him," I command.

Tee does.

I hop out of the truck going to the rear door, opening it. "Out." Ransom slowly climbs out of the truck. "Pants down and lean slightly forward against the truck."

"Kinky," Ransom comments.

I shake my head at him. "Who teaches you this shit?" I growl.

"You learn a lot when you have to fend for yourself," he deadpans.

"I'm not into jailbait. I'm giving you an intramuscular shot for the pain, you psychopath."

He pulls his black cargo pants down just below his butt cheeks. I moved to push up his shirt but realized I didn't have to since it was a sheer pink crop top with hearts all over it that was now stained with Ransom's blood. This is why he was beaten. The old wolf is homophobic. He doesn't understand that clothing should be universal. If you like it, wear it.

I insert the needle and push down the plunger to deliver the drug into the muscle of the glutes. I remove it once done, capping the needle. "You can pull your pants up now. Do you need help getting back into the truck?"

"No. I got this." I watch the stubborn child, making certain he does 'got this'. Once I'm he is back inside I get back in the truck as well.

Tee gives me a questioning look before driving off. "What?" I ask.

"Do you have a medical stuff in all da vehicles or jus' mine?"

"All of them have a first aid kit under the backseat. I keep a stock of pain medication supplies in the glove box along with an extra gun and a weapons pouch with knives."

"You are prepared for everything, huh?"

"Yes. Your truck is also bulletproof, including the window."

"I stand by ma statement, me."

"Turn it up!" Sawyer shouts suddenly.

Tee does as I Will Never Let You Down by Rita Ora plays. Sawyer bounces, singing along to Ransom.

"Is this Ali's playlist?"

"Nope," Tee replies, popping the 'p'.

"It's mine." Ransom's admission throws me for a loop for a moment. "I made it on your account." I don't know how to reply to that as I watch children sing to one another.

This serious, broken, psychopathic boy has a fun, playful side to him that reminds a lot of Jaxson before his alter egos surfaced. It makes me like the kid more.

That's it. I've made up mine. We are keeping Ransom and his friends. They are family. So is our little cherub, Sawyer. 

Death KingsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz