Chapter 13

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"Chouchou, I need you to wake up, you. I'm goin' to be needin' some stitches in ma side. I can't see to do it myself." I stroke Ryder's face, aiming to coax him out of whatever dream he's having. Must be terrific because the tip of his dick is pointed right at me.

I lean into his ear to rumble his name while stroking up and down those washboard abs of his. The man is a sex-deity in the flesh; I swear it. Between him, Doudou, and Chaton, I can only expect to die between one of their legs. My heaven would be surrounded by all three.

I still get no stirring from him other than a dick twitch for the past half-hour, according to the clock on the wall. "Réveille-toi, s'il te plait, ma blanc renard." Wake up, please, my white fox. My white fox, my pet, that's what this man is to me and so much more.

I lean down to his collarbone, biting down before sucking. Ryder moans and his hips rise off the bed. I keep sucking roughly until I feel his hand gripping my hair. I peek up through my black lashes to see his snowy eyes peering at me with longing. An eager shiver runs down my spine, but Chaton isn't here to watch.

Ryder grabs my neck with his other hand, yanking me up to meet his crushing lips with a moan. The hand that was in my hair slides down my body, but he reaches just above my hip. I inhale sharply with a painful grimace.

Ryder stops immediately, concern deepening his gaze. He brings his hand away, staring at the red viscous fluid coating his hand.

"Let me see it, Sugar." I nod, unable to croak out a single word. I sit on the edge of the bed, giving him my right side to inspect. His warm fingers prod at the gash made by my knife. It hurts, but it's soothing at the same time. "Come on, hun. Let's find something in this hellhole to seal this up with."

Ryder sits up on the other side of the bed, walking around to me. He takes my hand, leading me back to the bathroom. He makes me sit sideways on the toilet while he digs under the sink and in the cabinet to locate what he requires. On the sink he sets out a bottle of iodine, finding some zip-tie stitches that will have to work, along with some cotton balls and a set of tweezers. He washes his hands well before wetting a warm soapy washcloth. He presses it to my side and scrubs. I wince and grit my teeth at the pain it causes.

"Sorry, Sugar, but I've got to get the blood cleaned off so these bullshit things will adhere properly. Any other places I need to look at?" Ryder asks me softly.

I flush crimson and gaze down at my dick. A few of my piercings have been forcefully removed from my body. With my dick currently being painfully hard thanks to Ryder's kiss, blood is now running down my legs once again.

Ryder's eyes follow mine, sucking in his breath abruptly. "Tell me they did not, Tee," Ryder grinds out between clenched teeth. "Sugar, tell me that blood running down your leg is not from where I think."

"I wish I could tell you it wasn't, Chouchou. It's more painful now than it was healing from the tattoo." The ache I'm trying to control the pain I feel from seeping out of my voice.

"Okay, one thing at a time." He grabs my towel, pulling it from my hips and wrapping it around my cock. His eyes meet mine. "Put pressure around your penis to stop the bleeding. When I'm done with your side, I will look," he assures me.

"Yes, Pet," is all I can grind out at the moment. A few minutes later, Ryder is grabbing the iodine. I clench my teeth. He goes back to cleaning around the wound.

When he needs more, I ask, "Do you know what happened or where we are? I don't 'member nothin', me." He has an iodine-soaked cotton ball on a tweezer. He rubs around the wound again.

"We were abducted by Gerhardt and an ex-girlfriend. She was the one my father begged me to marry." He scoffs. "Now I get why." Ryder shakes his head, hanging it low. "Honestly, Sugar, I wasn't expecting them to kidnap you, too." He goes to prepare the strange zip-tie stitches.

"What about Doudou?" I ask, confused as to why I haven't seen my husband yet. Ryder applies the zip stitches carefully.

"I don't know, Tee. I loathe not knowing," he grinds out, only showing his emotions while alone with me. He pulls the zip-ties tightly together and if I weren't sitting down, my ass would be on the floor right now. Bless my soul, that was painful.

He scoots over to face me, giving me this apologetic look I rarely see from him. "Okay, Sugar, removing the towel might hurt. I'll go slow, just bear with me." The concern in his voice is not something I've heard all that often when comes to him.

I'm bracing myself against the discomfort I'm about to tolerate. Ryder is true to his word. He moves slowly, surveying my face. At any sign of pain, he halts to wait for me to relax again.

"Sugar, we are down to the last bit. I'm going to remove the towel quickly. Do NOT hold your breath. Breathe out with the pain, not in." I do my best to listen to his instructions. He makes it fast, removing the offending blood-coated object swiftly.

The ache is promptly eased by a cold soapy washcloth. His doing this has me only loving him more. When the underside is all cleaned to Ryder's liking, he seeks what to do with the mangled skin left from four of my now missing ladder bars. One top bar and the one bottom bar are all that's left other than the one through the tip.

"A needle and some stitching thread would be best. These zip-tie things are going to be too large, but it's all I have to work with. I don't have scissors or a knife to cut these down to size. Sugar..." Ryder stares at me with so much worry that my heart seems to squeeze painfully inside my chest.

"You will do da best you can under the circumstances, you." I understand he is thinking about the damage an infection can cause. I trust him to try his best. So, he repeats the same procedure on the underside of my dick using the uncomfortable zip-tie stitches on each part. At least my cock was making it easier by staying erect for him.

As soon as Ryder is done, we hear this... TINK! On the window and the echo of a gunshot. Jaxson is free and close to us. He will rescue us. However, moments later, that dreadful Maleigha returned, and she brought friends too.

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