Chapter 43

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Training children, being in charge of mercenaries, running businesses, attending college, being mercenaries, and running a criminal empire seems like a ton of work! It's a good thing there are so many of us or Ryder would be even more insane than he is now being the engineer on this crazy train.

I rap on the door to his office with my knuckles softly. There is no answer. I try the handle finding it unlocked. I open the door slowly to see if he is in. He is, but he is asleep on his desk. Papers are stacked on one side of his desk, a medical book is laid open underneath his face, and a pen in his hand with a notebook underneath it. Only Ryder finds studying relaxing.

He doesn't have his eye patch on, the jagged puckered scar that runs from his hairline, over his eyelid, and to his chin. He is still one of the most gorgeous I have ever met. He hates his scar and milky eye, as evident by the small mirror on the wall he keeps covered in here.

I take the mirror down and tuck it underneath the leather loveseat, for now. I'll come back in here and remove it so housekeeping doesn't place it back on the wall when they come in on Wednesday. They are here once a week to deep clean the house. We do our best to keep it picked up and do our laundry so the ladies will not have too much to do.

I thumb through the papers on his desk. It's the bill of sale for Bunk Security, along with the other paperwork that goes with buying another business. Originally we toyed with the idea of calling it Fae König Security after my business but decided upon Death Kings Security to go with our rebranding from the Cards Royalty.

I sigh. My icy husband has been busy.

You would think that Ryder wouldn't get along since I'm so fiery.

I'm full of frantic, deadly, mischievous energy when Sidhe is out to play. As Jax, I'm a loveable goofball. Jaxson...the other personalities try to keep him safe. Jaxson is broken, traumatized, and lives in a constant state of fear and mistrust. Jaxson is the calmest personality, but he is the most paranoid.

Before Tee and I set fire to my childhood manor, he took me to see a psychiatrist. Dissociative Identity Disorder (formally Multiple Personality Disorder) is what I possess. Ryder will have meds picked up or delivered tomorrow, knowing him. I want to be better, to where I'm cycling through my personality so rapidly.

I understand how and why Jax and Sidhe came into being. They are both trauma responses to the hell I endured as a child. I was trained to be an assassin at an early age. It was either that or becoming a whore for my father and uncle to pimp out for their selfish gain. As a result of making my first kill before the age of twelve, Sidhe was created. He has no feelings other than the ecstasy he gets from playing with his victims. Sidhe is unhinged and wildly unpredictable. Jax hides everything behind a fake smile and humor. He enjoys being the class clown so that no one is looking a Jaxson. Jaxson is the boy I was before my mother died. The innocent one who wasn't a murderer.

My brothers understand my different personality. They stayed by me through everything and for that I'm grateful.

If it weren't for Ali and Tee being forced into our lives, Ryder and I wouldn't be as close as we are now.

I pet his head feeling the silky strands of the pigment-less tresses.

I would be dead if it weren't for him. I truly believe if Ryder hadn't killed Dagen, he wouldn't have stopped after breaking my leg. Then there were all jobs where I got stabbed and shot at only for Ryder to step in to kill my victim for me because too carried away playing to notice how close my victims were to ending me. This has saved my ass more times than I can count!

I love him.

"Ryder..." I poke his face. "Hey, Snow White, it's time to wake up princess." I lean in poking him more, then I play with his lips.

He chomps on my finger before his eyes flick open and he licks and sucks the digit.

I grin at him, "Hey there, princess. I was sent to bring you to bed."

He bites down on my finger again for calling him a princess. I just glare at him, taking in his milky unseeing eye alongside his pale gray-blue one.

"What was that for?" I grumble huskily.

"I'm not your fucking princess, asshole. I'm your motherfucking King," he growls around my finger.

Oh! Fuck me sideways! That is hot as hell! Especially with those bedroom eyes of his mixed with sound. Mmm Daddy!

I have to adjust my dick in my pants, it's all of a sudden hard and achy.

I grin. "Yes, you are."

He smiles around my finger. I almost ejaculate from that look alone.

He is sinful.

"You almost died," I blurt out ruining the moment. He releases my finger and lust-filled playfulness has been replaced with his usual deadpan. "We've almost died countless times. People are actively trying to kill us, as opposed to us doing the killing."

"I don't want you in harm's way again," I spout.

His eyes narrow on me. "Have you completely lost all common sense?" He asks me as if I'm an idiot.

I huff crossing my arms offended. "No," I snap.

Ryder sighs, his face relaxing. "I'm not going to sit on the sidelines while my family risks their lives. I'll make you a deal... once Gerhardt is removed I will focus on being medical aid and remain the tactician. I'll leave the killing to you and the others."

"Okay, but you not get a feckin' scratch on you while the yacht. If that happens I might not be able to stuff Sidhe back until everyone on the boat is dead beside our family," I rumble at him.

Ryder turns in his chair to face me. He reaches out, grabbing the waistband of my swim trunks, tugging me to him. He rests his forehead on my abs so I play with hair at the nape of his neck.

"I don't know the future, so I cannot my that promise. What I can promise is that I will do everything in my power to make your request happen." His breath flitters across my neck.

"Aye, that's good enough for me, a chuisle mo chroi." I stroke his head.

A soft knock sounds on the door frame. "Come on you two, it's past time for bed," Natalie says.

"We're on our way, mo gra," I assure her.

"I'm not leaving without you two. I cannot sleep without all of my husbands," Natalie replies.

Ryder pushes me back by my hips and stands.

"Would you like to aid me in making Jax feel better, Angel?"

I start to ask him what he means by that until I feel his hand graze my briefs.

Ah, so that's what he means by making me feel better. 

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