Daily Planet Article - Tiny Metahumans

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Every week there are plenty of things to read on World of Metahumans. One of those things is the articles written by both our newspapers - the Daily Planet and the Gotham Gazette. Today we provide you with an article written by Valentina Roseblades (all credits go to her), who is a Reporter for the Daily Planet.


Before a Metahuman starts their education at Metropolis University (or any other school for children with powers), it is most likely that one of their powers has already shown up. There is just no way for the Metahuman to understand or control it yet. They are unpredictable. For example, a child with pyrokinesis might accidentally manipulate the flame of a candle and burn the tail of the cat sitting next to it.

For some families, it is easier to deal with these unpredictable moments than for others. That is because of the difference in powers - one is more dangerous for the parents than the other - but also whether the parents grew up with Metahumans themselves or not. A Velorpian family living on Voor, probably know exactly how to deal with their child's powers - they have them as well, just like anyone else on the planet. But for parents who are completely new to both parenthood and the Metahuman world, having a Cyborg child might not be the most ideal scenario (though, there is no doubt they will love their child just as much).

This second group of parents clearly needs help, and that is where Tiny Metahumans comes into play. Tiny Metahumans is a daycare for young Metahumans as well as a place where parents of these Metahumans can take classes to learn how to deal with certain scenarios. Like how to deal with your child accidentally using their powers, what to say when your child wants you to explain their powers, or how to even explain what Metahumans are.

As said before, not only is Tiny Metahumans a place for parents to take classes, but it is also a daycare. This is the case because most 'normal' daycares don't feel comfortable having Metahuman children around. They say that they might be too dangerous. Instead, they can be sent to Tiny Metahumans (who also take up the non-Metahuman siblings of your Metahuman children).

They don't teach your child to control their powers or teach them anything combat or superhero-related. "That is the job of Metropolis University", they say. "When your child goes to Metropolis University, they have actually unlocked all their first-year powers and they will be ready to learn how to control them. That's not the case yet when you send them to Tiny Metahumans."

Tiny Metahumans was founded by a group of Metropolis University graduates. One of them had a child with a non-Metahuman, and when their child turned out to be a Metahuman, their partner was struggling. They realized this might have been the case for more parents, and thus, together with some graduated friends, they founded Tiny Metahumans.

If you know any parents struggling to raise their own tiny Metahuman or if you're a Metahuman parent and need a daycare to send your child to when you're at work; then maybe Tiny Metahumans is just the right place to look into.

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