Heart beating ten to the dozen, I 'drew' a luminous yellow line around the fully extended opening of the purse, carefully joining the start and end points.

There was a flash, and I gasped as a sudden rush of mana drained out of me, nearly causing me to fall off the wagon.

I steadied myself. This was something I'd not experienced with my oven lighting escapade, probably because that was a basic spell, but also because I'd drawn in mana from the air around me for that. This time I had used some internally stored mana. I wondered how full my cup was now.

Still, it didn't take long for me to recover, and I examined my purse. It looked the same to me, which was slightly disappointing. However, when I opened it, I found I could reach in all the way up to shoulder. It had worked! I had cast my first real spell.

I put my new purse back inside, and suddenly came over all dizzy. Crawling up beside Lissa on the bed, I slumped down and lost consciousness.


I woke up a little while later, to see Rath was just sitting down next to me with a cup in her hand.

"Little one," she said, smiling down at me. "Did you have a nice nap?"

Sitting up I rubbed my eyes and yawned. "Yes, thank you mother."

"Would you like something to eat?"

I suddenly realised I felt starving! Was this an effect of casting a spell? "Please," I replied, nodding.

She put her cup down on a small box used as a table, which had a kind of cradle to stop it falling over, the wagon could be a bit bumpy, and scooted over to the makeshift cooker.

This, to my mind, was the equivalent of a camp stove in a world of magic. It had a pale disk of some kind of stone, as best I could figure, on a metal block. The user cast some kind of heat spell on the pale disk, and then placed a pan on the top, which cooked things surprisingly nicely.

Lissa was, by far, the stronger magic user of my two mothers, but Rath, like many people of this world, had some ability too, perhaps more than the average citizen. I still wasn't familiar with what abilities the people outside the academy had, but from what I could infer from the books I had read, most 'normal' citizens only had a base, maybe a low level ability. I estimated Rath's ability at, perhaps, low intermediate, but I'd not seen her use magic except for day to day chores, and even then, not often, as Lissa was usually the one to do the cooking and so forth.

In any case, it was more than enough to heat the travel cooker, and it wasn't long before she placed a plate in front of me, with a sort of pancake that was popular where she had grown up, with an egg, a little meat and some greens on it.

"Would you like some tea little one?" she asked, picking up her own cup and taking a sip.

"Yes please," I said, around a mouthful of food. I really was hungry!

"Such a well mannered boy we have." Smiling, Rath made me a small cup of green tea.

I was too busy eating to thank her this time. Again, I wondered if this was an after effect of casting my spell. It had to be. Hopefully this wouldn't be the norm, or I'd have to cast another, larger Hollow Space to keep food in!

No, I decided eventually, as I polished off my meal and took a sip of tea. It must be because I, or at least my body, was still so young. Maybe even not full of mana yet. I hadn't checked myself recently for mana leakage, so I held a hand up and adjusted my vision.

Yes! I could see a very slight level of mana smoke exuding from my skin. I guessed that meant my cup was 'full'. So I was at full power now. Then again, the books said my capacity would grow over time. I was still very young. That was promising.

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