Aiden Huxley, elder son of Joshua Huxley.
The same person who was kissing your girlfriend at the club.
She went with him that night.

Taehyung stares in shock at the man's photo. Joshua Huxley is Freya's boss, the CEO of Explore. Was she kissing her boss' son?

Taehyung had deleted all the photos and videos of Freya and the guy from his phone. But he thinks it is this same man who was kissing her in the club. Why did she kiss her boss' son? Then why did she lie to him it was a stranger? Is Freya really cheating on him?

Who are you?

He texts the person. Soon they see the message. Biting his lips, Taehyung waits for a reply but no reply comes.

What's going on between them?

He texts again. Now the stranger starts typing.

You didn't understand it yet? Your girlfriend's cheating on you.

Taehyung stares at the message, feeling heartbroken. His fingers tremble as he types 'How do you know?' But then he erases the text and places the phone down, furiously rubbing his face.

Freya really seems to be cheating on him!

He suddenly grabs the phone again and sends Aiden Huxley's photo to Charlie. Then he dials his number.

Charlie answers the phone after a few rings. "Hello Tae, where did you disappear yesterday?" He asks in a low voice.

"Something came up. I had to leave. Charlie, I just sent you someone's picture. Can you check it and text me if he was the man who was with Freya that day at the cafe?' Taehyung says and quickly hangs up, feeling his voice break.

Then he goes to WhatsApp and waits for Charlie's message. Charlie starts typing and he feels his heart pound loudly.

Yeah, I think it was him. But he was wearing casual clothes.

Taehyung leaves a sigh and ruffles his hair in exasperation. How efficiently Freya lied to him! She made up a whole story within seconds about his cousin, his ex and his friend and pretending to be his girlfriend in front of them.

Who is he?

Any issue?

Is this why you suddenly disappeared yesterday?

Are you okay?

Charlie keeps texting and the phone keeps beeping. Then the phone rings with Charlie's name on the caller ID. Taehyung takes a deep breath before answering the call.

"Yeah, Charlie, I think she is cheating on me. That's her boss's son."

"Oh!" Charlie gasps. "What happened?"

"I got some photos of her kissing this man," Taehyung replies.

"Did you ask her about it?" Charlie asks.

"Yeah, I did. She said she was drunk and out of her mind."

"What the heck! Just break up with her, Man! She doesn't deserve you."

"I'll call you later, Charlie," Taehyung says and hangs up the call again. He sits there frozen, staring at Aiden Huxley's photo whilst thinking about what Charlie just said. Should he just end things with Freya? Was she really acting all this time? But why? She said she can't live without him. How could she say that after cheating on him?

Taehyung flinches as suddenly the calling bell rings in the living room. He gets up from the bed with a frown and the next moment, Jungkook comes running into the room.

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