XIV. North Wind

46 7 151

~~~Warning: There's a few scary or creepy stories in this chapter~~~

At last people began pushing away plates of food still untasted, and footmen started to gather up all the glasses, dishes, cutlery, and tureens on huge trays. Bernard dabbed his mouth with a napkin and stood up. 

"Just a few announcements," he said in a loud voice. "As you know, playing cards or dice for money is not permitted at Camden Palace under normal circumstances."

Eden saw Bernard and Pip exchange wry looks.

"However as a special concession, we allow gaming over Yuletide, and card tables will be set up in the alcove at the back of the Great Hall each evening. That is the only time and place gaming is permitted, and I must ask you to wager no more than three silver coins each time."

Pip stood up and gave the crowd a bright smile. "Charades are in the gallery on the left hand side. There's plenty of room up there, so don't be shy! And you're welcome to stay here in the warmth until after supper."

Pip's comment made Eden realise that after more than an hour since the fire was lit, the Great Hall had indeed become very warm. She had long ago shrugged Roderick's jacket off, and been sitting on it to save it from sliding onto the floor.

A dark-haired girl slipped into the room, wearing a garment of red silk patterned with silver thread that was something like a gown and something like a cloak without being either. It managed to display her figure to perfection, while protecting her modesty in its folds.

It was only when the girl came over to Lucy and Eden, her face lit up with a smile, that Eden realised it was Nalini.

"Good Yule!" she said happily. "I saw the fire being lit earlier. You did a wonderful job, miss. Have a lovely evening, both of you." She went on her way after they returned her good wishes.

"What is that shawl thing she's wearing?" Eden whispered to Lucy.

"It's called a saree, from India," Lucy whispered back. "It looks pretty, doesn't it?"

"Nalini does look very pretty," Eden agreed.

"Oh well, upper housemaids are always good-looking," Lucy said. "Mummy engages them."

There was a rumbling and rustling around the Great Hall, as people moved or stood in small groups, as if conferring on how to spend the rest of the evening. Eden wondered if she and Lucy would have to stay with the nurses, or with her father. Meriadoc had taken Pip's advice, and was chatting to a gentleman and lady who were sitting on his other side.

"Pardon me, mesdames," said a man with a French accent. "I was wondering whether my friend and I might request the company of two such charming ladies as yourselves for a game of cards?"

He was short and stocky with a ruddy face and reddish brown hair around a bald spot, very dapper in a forest green suit. 

He gave a neat bow towards Nurse Melia, saying, "I am Monsieur Leroux, the head cook, and not at all an old grump, as that scamp said. And this is my colleague, the wine butler, Mr Crawley." 

The wine butler was tall, thin and dark, with a lugubrious face. He wore a claret red suit in deference to the season, but was obviously suited to black clothing.    

Nurse Melia blushed and stammered slightly as she replied, "Oh, well ...that's very kind of you ... but ... I'm not sure ... May? Can we ...?" 

Why, it almost sounded as if Nurse Melia was asking permission to go with the man, Eden thought in shocked disapproval.

Eden at Yuletide // Lindensea 4Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant