VI. Princess in Pink

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Naturally there was a long, steep, winding staircase to Lucy's bedroom.

"Clarissa and I sleep in one of the towers," Lucy explained on the way. "Bernard and Pip have another tower, Mummy and Mama have one, and then the boys are all in together."

Eden didn't reply. She was too tired, clinging to Lucy's hand like a sleepy child.

There had been two guards at the bottom of the stairs, who allowed them to pass. Eden thought there was something decidedly odd about a young girl needing to get past large men in order to reach her bedroom, but Lucy hadn't seem bothered at all.

"Good evening, Hawkins. This is Princess Eden, who is staying with us for Yuletide. Does your shift finish at midnight? Oh well, not long to go now. Martinez, bring the baby up to the castle to see us. He must be so big now!"

At last Lucy opened the heavy oakwood door, to reveal a bedroom that temporarily left Eden speechless. Everything in the room seemed to be either pink, gold, or white, from the gilt-edged white ceiling to the pink panels on the white and gold walls to the carpets with pink and gold roses threaded into the design.

"It's very ... very pink," Eden said at last.

"Clarissa chose the colours," Lucy said quickly. "Mummy said after she gets married next year we can have the room redecorated to my taste."

"I like the view," Eden said.

There were in fact two views – one looking south down at the river, the other facing north towards woods and forests. Eden held aside the pink velvet curtains and pushed her nose against the cold glass to see better, just as someone entered the room through an internal door. She was a pretty young woman with long dark hair in a neat braid, wearing a trim black housemaid's uniform.

"Good evening Miss Lucy, good evening Miss Eden," she said with a little curtsy.

"Hello, Nalini," Lucy said, and Eden mumbled a greeting.

"I've unpacked for you, Miss Eden," Nalini said, opening the wardrobes and drawers to show Eden her clothes and shoes had been put away tidily, her possessions arranged on the bedside table with immaculate precision.

As Eden thanked her, she understood that her trunks and cases had not been lost after all, although she still had no idea where they were.     

"I have also drawn you a hot bath, Miss Eden. Miss Lucy, would you like me to undress you for bed?"

"No thank you, Nalini," Lucy said. "Thank you so much for everything, but Eden and I can take care of ourselves now."

"If you're quite sure, Miss Lucy, I will retire for the evening," Nalini said. "Please ring should you require anything in the night."


The hot bath by candlelight was luxurious. Eden closed her eyes and leaned back in the water, feeling the smooth marble edge of the bath against the nape of her neck. Nurse Melia never put anything in the bath for her except bitter mineral salts for health, or wintergreen if she had a cold. This bath was redolent with the sweetness of lavender, orange, and rose oil, and soothed away much of Eden's fatigue and soreness.

After drying herself on a fluffy towel, Eden pulled on her winter nightgown and a woollen wrapper Nurse Melia had made for her. She blew out the candle before going back out to the bedroom.

Lucy was sitting on her bed with what looked like a heavy book, wearing a white silk nightgown trimmed with lace and ribbons, and a deep red velvet dressing gown spread out around her.

Eden at Yuletide // Lindensea 4Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang