chapter one 3 years earlier

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Flash back**********

"Alejandro im in labor" I said bending over in pain "come on lets get you to the hospital for I can go take care of some business" he said I looked at him like he had to heads " what" I asked him "uhhhh umm yeah I have some stuff to do at the trap so just call me when you have it" I dont know why I fell for a thug he wasnt like this in high school let me tell you how we first met.

Flash back*******

I was walking down the hall in this unfamiliar school when I bump into something hard falling straight on my ass "owww" I said "oh my bad mami I didnt know you were standing there" he said helping me up in getting my stuff "oh its ok it was a accident" I said looking into his beautiful greenish blue eyes let me tell yall this boy is fine. I think God just poured a whole bunch of sexy postion when he was making him ctfu let me stop but anyway I started staring and he looked at me with a gorgeous smile when he seen me looking I look away blushing "you must like what you see" he said I looked at him like he was crazy but deep down inside im sweating in screaming with joy " you wish" I said in walked away.

Flash back over ****

Ever since then we been attached to each other but these last 9 months he been acting real shady and I just can't put my finger on it I feel that he's cheating on me but I'm just too scared to ask him I might not like what he have to say. We were walking out the house with the baby bag in my hand im in so much pain it's like every 10 minutes im having contraction but im trying to fight through it I have to do it for my angel. "Bae can you hurry up she trying to kill me" I said rubbing my belly trying to stop the pain "we almost there damn stop yo bitching" he said looking at the road "dont talk to me like that your the reason im pregnant now" I said I wanted so bad to fuck him up but hes driving just wait till we get to the hospital "no your the reason your preganat now get the hell out the car" he said pulling into a parking spot I got out in he just pulled off not looking back. "What the hell" I said just walking in the emergency room and up to the receptionist desk " ummm hi im in labor" I struggled trying to get the words out "ok mam" she said going to get me a wheelchair in a nurse they took me to my room and hook me up to a bunch of IVs. The doctor walked in "is we ready to deliver a baby" he said "yes I am" he laughed "well let me check in see how much you dilated" he said "well mam it looks like your only 2 centimeters I'll come back in 2 hours to check you again" he said walking out I was getting tired so I drifted off to sleep.

10 hours later*******

Ughhh worsted pain ever let me tell yall what I had I had a baby girl in I named her Mayana janae Smith she was seven pounds in 10 ounces she was a big baby with a big head ctfu. But let me tell yall my baby daddy didnt even show up for his own daughter birth I tried calling him time after time after time in he didnt answer he make me so made but anyway let me feed baby girl.

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