Chapter - 14: Time Waits For None (Part - A)

Start from the beginning

Harsh had taken over most of the administrative burden upon himself allowing Rohan some much needed breathing space. Neil hired extra professionals to take care of the pending projects in his absence and took up a Mumbai project to make sure his Mumbai trip doesn't go waste from the Company's perspective.

This will also allow him to spend a lot of time in Mumbai without giving an impression that he was taking a break. At least to his staff and competitors. No one likes associating with a sleeping duck in his field. On the other hand, being ambitious sends all the right signals.

Aradhna was anyhow going to Mumbai to look after her other businesses, now that the Udaipur branch has been well accepted. She has postponed the work on her new venture which she was supposed to do in collaboration with Neil, keeping in mind Neil's priorities. She was indeed proving to be a great friend to Neil.

More like a close friend and confidant these days.

Aradhna was the one who referred some amazing designers for Roohi to collaborate with, for the show and Roohi genuinely liked Aradhna's taste. That came across a huge shock to everybody, especially Neil because all of them had enough of her when it came to the styling department.

Abhimanyu tried preponing the surgeries that allowed him the luxury and scheduled a few more in Mumbai with the help of a few contacts. That would save him some travelling time. He also decided to continue with his sessions through video call and the counsellor was kind enough to accommodate.

Abhir was the one who was going to bear most of the brunt because he couldn't miss College. He would really be missing his family the most in their absence. Also, he will have to deal with all the attention that he doesn't really appreciate, on his Di's behalf.

He was going to stay with Anahita and Rohan for a few days and they all will stay in Birla House whenever Rohan had to travel. It basically will be depending on their mood and convenience. Nothing was pre-decided.

Soha has convinced her parents to tag along with Abhir when he will be visiting Roohi at some point in the competition. Abhishek arranged for local security and also a few of them from the regular team were going to stay in Mumbai for smoother operations.

Abhishek was all set to travel with the Birlas when they will first start for Mumbai, to ensure that everything they thought of with respect to security is in place. They had all consciously decided to land in Mumbai a day prior to what was expected of them to just have some time to settle in.

Roohi took continuous classes with her Guru, Mrs. Avantika Diwan and took all the guidance she could from her. Mrs.Diwan promised her to always be available for her if she ever felt the need. Roohi couldn't have asked for more.

With all the plans in place, it was time for Roohi to get done with the packing. Her designer wear would directly be handed over to her in Mumbai because the designers were from Mumbai. Aradhna suggested to collaborate with Mumbai designers for convenience and transport purposes.

Roohi was extremely grateful for the fact that she need not plan too ahead in time and didn't have to worry about packing them, especially when she decided not to use the costumes given by the production.

Roohi was at it from the morning, but nothing seemed to be in place by lunch time. She then got told sternly by her father that if she failed to complete the packing by 5p.m., then he will take over and pack whatever he feels like packing for her.

That gave her enough motivation to hurry up and she was close to finishing up when the clock struck 6. A lot of hands were at work to make it happen, but Roohi did do a lot of it on her own because Abhimanyu had his gaze fixed on her. Everyone else chuckled at how only Abhimanyu could get her to cooperate so sweetly when it came to packing.

A small pooja was going to be organized to seek blessings for Roohi and her new journey after which the crew members will be arriving to shoot the Video Diary of Roohi. She had to also get a photoshoot done for the show. That photoshoot was a last-minute addition and the makers had to plead Neil to make it happen.

All of them were kind of getting worked up with the maker's extra interest in Roohi by now. She was the only one who managed to get the golden mike. They all attributed that interest to that fact because they didn't know any better.

The Birlas were blissfully unaware off everything that was being planned for Roohi by the creative team. They have been brutally reserved with the contract and its clauses but the guys in the showbiz had their ways to get their TRP.

The promo with Akshara and Roohi was released, and it had taken the internet by storm. Roohi was being supported by different sectors and Akshara's tone was being condemned by many, citing it to be discouraging towards new talent.

The makers have hit gold with the very first controversy that was served to them in a platter by the two ladies.

The crew wasn't very empathetic towards Akshara either because she had put them through a lot to come on board. Now that she was on board and served them the content they were looking for, they wouldn't mind exploiting it.

Akshara's followers were busy defending her words and actions while anti-Akshara fans found their new idol in Roohi. A lot of fan pages were opened for Roohi even before the episode aired. Roohi was overwhelmed by the response, but Neil stopped her from responding to the hype.

They made her social media presence a secret. It would be so at least until the first episode aired and they didn't want her going out there and interacting with people. She was too young to deal with all these extreme emotions.

Their love and hate can both be very extreme, and she had no business dealing with them with the competition nearing its launch.

Roohi hated being restricted from responding but that's something she promised to do when her family agreed to let her be on the show.

To Be Continued.......

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