Chapter 13: Jealousy

Começar do início

Cam shakes his head, "Get your big, vastly empty, head out of the gutter. Nothing happened that you won't eventually experience too if you can get your shit together. If you ask again I'm gonna hit you."

I know he has a point but I still hate him right now. "If we didn't share a room for the first eight months of our existence then I'd hit you right now for no reason at all." My head tilts to the side, "No, I can think of something..."

"Would you grow up?" he asks, making sure to continue before I can tell him that I will when he does. "Just get over yourself and go in there and knock on her door. If she doesn't want to see you then leave her be but at least let her know that you're done being stupid...for now at least."

He's right. No matter how I feel about it, I was wrong. "I was just...hurt." I say quietly.

Cam nods, "She knows."

The walk through the woods takes longer when your brother isn't dragging you behind him. But it gives me time to try and come up with something to say to her. Obviously I need to apologize. Then there's the absurd idea that she's not pretty enough.

Alison has always been gorgeous. Always had that long blonde hair, just begging to be wrapped around my fist. Don't even get me started on those innocent blue eyes of hers.

I spend ten minutes planning how to fix this, but it all disappears the second I'm in front of her door. My brain cells could not be anymore MIA right now. I knock anyway.

"Which one?" she calls out from the other side.

I sigh, my name at the top has always been the one guaranteed right answer on my tests. This is the first time that I know it's the wrong answer. "Chris," I reluctantly reply. It's not like I can pass as Cameron. As soon as she opened the door she'd be able to tell.

There's silence on the other side of the door. Every moment of it further accelerates my heart. "What do you want?" she asks. And Alison's voice has never been more emotionless.

Fuck, she must be exhausted.

"I was hoping to talk to you?"

It's a question in the form of a statement. Not something I usually do in a pathetic type of way but here we are.

There's a shuffling on her side. Then the door cracks open just enough for her to see me through it. I was right, she's exhausted. It's obvious now that I see her. I can even feel it easier without the physical barrier.

I lean on the door frame, lowering myself to be closer to her height. "Alison, please let me in. If for no other reason than so you can sit back down." My eyes plead with hers.

She looks down at her feet. A moment later she looks back up at me and nods. The door opens wider as she steps back and goes back to her bed. I step in behind her slowly, taking in my surroundings. I know she has a closet full of clothes but all I can see are necessities in her actual room.

Her school stuff is spread out on the bed in front of her. Notebooks and highlighters are stacked next to her laptop and library books. It's all very organized in the most disorganized way possible.

"What?" she asks, looking at me impatiently. I guess I deserve that. "I have a lot of work to do so what do you want from me?"

Yep, that's fair too. "First, I'm sorry," I say, "I didn't actually know anything at all I just-- I was jealous and hurt and..." I trail off. "I lashed out at you and it wasn't fair of me."

Alison looks at me, stopping to think before moving some books aside and gesturing for me to sit. I oblige immediately, grateful for every inch of ground I gain with her.

BurntOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora