Chapter 20: Firsts

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Alison's POV

"I'm just saying that we can't trust them." Cameron tells me, on the verge of arguing as we walk down the stairs to breakfast. The past eight hours have basically been spent trying to figure what we're going to do with our guests in the cells.

I breathe deeply through my nose. "And I'm saying that if we interview them all and their stories line up and they still don't seem or claim to be a threat then we don't have much other choice. We can't keep them down there forever." My opinion is reasonable and delivered in an irritated but calm fashion.

Chris agrees, nodding along behind me. I've come to think of his presence like Peter Pan's shadow, right there until I need him. "And we're not killing them." He adds on with a pointed look to his brother.

"And we're not killing them." I echo. Eventually, I will have to kill some people. Vampires. But not yet, not when it just isn't right.

As we approach the breakfast table, Alpha Wesley stands and walks over to us. He quickly, and as nonchalantly as possible, grasps Cameron's elbow and leads us back into the hall. Chris' arm wraps protectively around my waist, just as confused as I am.

Wesley brings us to an office down the hall from the dining room. The door clicks shut softling behind us before he turns to face us. "Anything you want to tell me?" he asks.

I bite my bottom lip nervously, looking down at my feet. Chris stumbles next to me, probably something to do with my elbow finding its way into his ribs, and coughs subtly. "Ummmmm, oh, yeah, there are vampires in the cells..." He tries to pass the information off as unimportant. Like this isn't information that we should have told him. A decision that the Alpha should be included in.

The deep breath he takes clues me into how unsuccessful this plan was. "Guys," he starts eerily calm, "I understand why you did it. What I don't understand is the secrecy. I need to know these things. Instead of hearing it from you, I heard it through the warriors. They're all talking about it, by the way."

By the time he seems ready for us to respond, there's nothing calm about him. His anger, while well contained, is vibrating through him. "Dad, it just happened last night. You were asleep. We just got up because we were up late dealing with it. You're welcome, by the way." Cameron pipes up smartly.

My. Jaw. Drops. I haven't had parents in a while but I'm pretty sure that level of sass is a no-no. I almost laugh. The tension is tangible. "You dealt with it?" Wesley asks wryly. "There are six vampires sitting in the cells with an equal amount of guards and I had no clue until I woke up to phone calls from every warrior sect leader asking if what they're saying is true."

"On the bright side," I interject quickly, "they are contained and do not currently pose any threat." The attempt is decent but even I can admit that my defense is weak. "And, from what they've told us, they need us more than we need them. Because we don't need them at all but, apparently, if I die, so do they."

The Alpha looks at me thoughtfully. "Why would they tell you that?" he asks.

"One of two reasons." I answer. "Either they're telling the truth or they want me to think I'm invincible so I let down my guard. At this point, it's hard to tell. That's why they're in the cells. Where they have been all night with no trouble." Despite making my point, I stay shrunken into Chris' side.

Cameron nods. "As much as I hate to admit it, she's right. They haven't been aggressive at all. We're going to question them. We're taking every precaution." Pride doesn't describe what I feel as he takes my side against his father, but it's akin to it. Mix love with pride and validation, then you'll be a little closer.

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