Then, I did a tiny bit of makeup by putting mascara, blush, and lip gloss on.

After that, I sorted my hair into a half up and half down hairstyle. I check the time to see it is almost six-thirty.

I went downstairs and helped my parents with setting the table and putting glasses and plates on the table.

Then, I added more chairs to add to the dining table area, so there is an equal amount of people sitting.

Abruptly, the doorbell rang, and we all trudged to the door as my mom opened the door to show Miles, Uncle Aaron, and Ms. Morales with flowers in her hands.

"Welcome in! Thank you so much. These are beautiful." My mom told Ms. Morales with a genuine and friendly tone.

"It is my pleasure! Thank you for inviting us over for dinner." Ms. Morales thanked us once again.

We all sat down on the couch, and my mom talked with Ms. Morales, while my dad avoided a conversation with Uncle Aaron and talked to Miles instead.

What is the big deal?

I seriously don't understand.

I'm going to get answers one way or the other.

Then, after a while, we got together on the dinner table and said grace before eating.

My mom talked with Ms. Morales for the entire dinner.

Apparently, they have a lot in common.

Unfortunately, my dad didn't talk to Uncle Aaron the whole dinner time.

What is up with them?

As soon as my mom ended her conversation with Ms. Morales, Uncle Aaron asked some questions about her, and they talked for a while. My dad talked to Ms. Morales, so there was just talking across the table.

"Do you notice that my uncle isn't talking to your dad?" Miles asked me as he took a bite of his food.

"Yeah, it's weird." I agreed with him, and after another ten minutes, we finished our plates.

So, while my parents talked with them, I talked with Miles.

"What are you going to do tomorrow?" I asked him as I took a drink of my water.

"I'm going to the gym and studying for Spanish. That's pretty much it." He explains.

"I was wondering if we could have a picnic, but you're busy." I throw the idea away.

"What? I usually go to the gym pretty early. We can make time. How's four pm work for you?" He inquires.

"Yeah, that works! Thank you, Miles." I tell him as I take my hand in his.

"Anything for you." He smiles and pecks my hand.

Then, Ms. Morales and Uncle Aaron told them it's getting late, and so we walked them to the main door.

"I had a fun time, we should do this again, shouldn't we, Aaron?" Ms. Morales tells Uncle Aaron while he keeps a forced smile and nods at her.

"Anyway, thank you so much!" She says again.

"It is our pleasure." My mom tells them, and they walk out, and as soon as my dad closes the door, my mom yells in spanish at him for his attitude towards Uncle Aaron.

"¡¿Al menos deberías haber sonreído?! Tu comportamiento es imperdonable y deberías disculparte con Aaron. Deberías darte vergüenza y el pasado no refleja el presente." She told him off.

What does she mean by the past, doesn't reflect the present?

What happened between them that I don't know about?

"El pasado tiene todo que ver con el presente, no lo entiendes. Mi relación con Aaron es complicada, lo sabes." My dad says calmly, trying not to burst in flames.

Complicated relationship?

My mom didn't want to talk about the subject anymore and went upstairs sighing in exhaustion.

My dad exasperated in tiredness and turned around to find me.

"How long were you listening for?! I thought you went upstairs!" My dad immediately felt embarrassed and ashamed.

"If you're worried about me getting mad at you, don't be. I'm merely interested, actually." I explained to him.

"So, what happened between you and Uncle Aaron?" I ask him as I sit on the couch while he does the same.

"It's a long story." He rubs his eyes, sighing.

"Well, I have time." As I smile with desperation, wanting to know more.

"You don't want to know, trust me,"  He tries to turn off the subject.

"Well, what I know is that Uncle Aaron stole my ring, well technically, Miles." I say casually while my dad gets worked up.

"What? You were supposed to take care of it!" He belted out.

"Would it make you feel better that I know what the information is?" I try to make the situation uplifting.

"No, I already know what is in it." He said.

"So, why does Uncle Aaron need hospital resources? Why is he stealing them? There are other people who are suffering more than him." I ask several questions.

My dad ignores my questions and says, "Honey, Uncle Aaron wanted power. Power for himself. He wants those hospital resources to take it away from those people who are really suffering. And when I confronted him about it, he didn't understand." He took a pause.

"He didn't see the way I looked at his situation. When I saw Aaron for the first time ever before the trip to the resort, I didn't know he had a nephew, which is Miles."

"But why would Miles be on Uncle Aaron's side?" I asked him.

"Honey, I don't know, but one thing I know for sure is that they're both heartless. They're villains." He confirmed.

"But Miles is so sweet and kind..." I trained off.

"He isn't so kind anymore now." He stated.

"I don't believe it. I won't believe it." I told him.

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Authors Note: Hey!!! Sorry for not updating last week, I've been writing during this week to make it up for it, lol. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this one, and I'll see you guys in the next chapter! Only seven chapters left!

Question of the Day: Any plans for the weekend? :D

Meeting With The Villain | Prowler Miles MoralesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant