Kevin's body took a swing, his arm growing but Money Tree easily sidestepped the attack. "How could you get so many in me? I'm a living person. Your power shouldn't be able to infect me-" More shards started to stab out of his limbs and his arms crashed to the ground, suddenly too heavy for him to hold up. A giant crystal jutted out of his back, forcing him to his knees.

"There are plenty of things inside of a person that isn't living. Our hairs are made out of dead cells. Plenty of cells die. Of course, even with a massive number they're so small I wouldn't be able to do this. That's where your power allowed me to."

Kevin's arm shattered to pieces as the crystals formed over part of his torso. He tried to stand up, but his knee cape exploded, and his leg was replaced with a large crystal. Slowly but surely, he was being replaced fully. Soon he would just be a pretty art piece. His neck bubbled, and it grew longer like a snake. His mouth filled with razor sharp teeth and tried to bite down around Money Tree's neck, but they shattered as the man's entire outfit was replaced with a diamond suit.

"You see." Money Tree casually batted the head off of him, ripping off most of its face. "Your body grows and expands rapidly. You're creating new cells in order for your bones and muscles to take up the space of the new limb, same for the skin. New cells that then have to go somewhere when your body pulls itself back to its normal shape. Cells that will quickly die off. Your body is like a mini universe filled with the dead. Matter my virus can infect easily."

Kevin's neck shrunk back down, and he stopped fighting. From the head down he was entirely made of diamond now as it grew across his skin and connected with the parts inside of him. "I see. This is quite the power, Mister Hero. I ain't done yet. I might not like the side I'm on, but I still have my pride." He opened his mouth as the virus expanded over his face. His tongue blasted out growing massive, and he bit down on it, severing it just in time.

The diamond finished growing, leaving him frozen in place, but his tongue started to slither like a snake as the front of it grew a mouth of its own as well as eyes. It darted through the tall grass of the field they were in, getting longer and thicker. Money Tree slashed out with his sword, but the thing dodged it and curved past him. An arm grew out of it and the hand took hold of his ankle. Even with his armor, he grunted as he felt it shatter part of the bone in his foot.

He twisted and broke his leg further, forcefully dragging it out of the grasp. His costume expanded and almost seemed to grow a flapping pair of wings made out of cash which lifted him off of the ground and away from the beast.

The tongue got even larger reaching the size of a bus. The arm that had formed out of it grew larger as well, and it sprouted a second limb. Legs started to form out of its side and large fleshy wings sprouting from its back. Its front seemed to morph into a head as well which lifted up and growled. It almost looked like a large fleshy dragon. The pink beast lifted up with its wings and Money Tree narrowly dodged the strike.

"So, you took my lesson to heart huh." The thing was made entirely out of muscle cells now. It didn't have eyes or ears or even a brain. It was just solid muscle forced to work from the boy's mysterious power. It didn't recycle any of its cells or create new ones once it was finished changing. No dead cells at all. An almost perfect life form. "This might be harder than I thought."

He twisted and dodged as more limbs grew out of the beast, and it created another set of wings to better support it. The thing chased him up higher towards the sky, and he formed one of his platforms. Spinning blades of pennies were thrown at the monster, but its form was insanely thick and easily deflected them. Even when he made diamond blades.

Dragons were mighty beasts; most having been told as nightmares due to the power the Emperor held. Kevin had seemingly stepped closer to being a dragon more than a man as his new form roared and howled as it caught up to Money Tree.

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